U.S. Bridge Inspections (2024)

Total # of Bridges629,762
Bridges need repair or corrective action81,68612.97%
Rated Poor by USDOT42,4046.73%
Structurally Deficient47,8037.59%


  • Bridges closed or in need of repair:
  • < 10%
  • 10-20%
  • > 20%

State-by-state Comparison

Bridges need repair or closedPoor conditionStructurally Deficient
StateTotal Need repair or corrective actionClosed%Percent #Number%Percent #Number%Percent
Alabama 16,305 2,601 207 17.22 559 3.43 949 5.82
Alaska 1,712 542 25 33.12 136 7.94 139 8.12
Arizona 8,660 406 11 4.82 95 1.10 129 1.49
Arkansas 13,086 2,397 38 18.61 697 5.33 812 6.21
California 27,008 3,129 80 11.88 1,591 5.89 1,607 5.95
Colorado 8,955 903 9 10.18 437 4.88 466 5.20
Connecticut 4,428 591 20 13.80 219 4.95 220 4.97
Delaware 880 87 0 9.89 11 1.25 11 1.25
District of Columbia 252 101 0 40.08 4 1.59 4 1.59
Florida 13,050 1,438 40 11.33 449 3.44 456 3.49
Georgia 15,556 1,670 61 11.13 239 1.54 390 2.51
Hawaii 1,193 435 20 38.14 80 6.71 81 6.79
Idaho 4,592 378 11 8.47 235 5.12 288 6.27
Illinois 28,018 2,065 115 7.78 2,472 8.82 2,543 9.08
Indiana 19,462 2,254 87 12.03 1,018 5.23 1,096 5.63
Iowa 23,720 2,428 360 11.75 4,558 19.22 4,656 19.63
Kansas 24,939 2,655 4 10.66 1,305 5.23 1,962 7.87
Kentucky 14,873 3,107 63 21.31 1,012 6.80 1,062 7.14
Louisiana 12,725 2,465 128 20.38 1,545 12.14 1,625 12.77
Maine 2,587 477 11 18.86 372 14.38 389 15.04
Maryland 5,519 945 19 17.47 252 4.57 264 4.78
Massachusetts 5,302 1,387 35 26.82 450 8.49 462 8.71
Michigan 11,709 1,333 78 12.05 1,292 11.03 1,309 11.18
Minnesota 13,738 321 51 2.71 582 4.24 597 4.35
Mississippi 16,842 1,801 221 12.01 1,053 6.25 1,400 8.31
Missouri 24,654 3,995 201 17.02 2,213 8.98 2,904 11.78
Montana 5,223 575 21 11.41 358 6.85 430 8.23
Nebraska 15,522 1,974 177 13.86 1,213 7.81 1,808 11.65
Nevada 2,143 85 2 4.06 25 1.17 27 1.26
New Hampshire 2,537 487 13 19.71 193 7.61 237 9.34
New Jersey 6,820 1,286 25 19.22 442 6.48 473 6.94
New Mexico 4,092 356 22 9.24 201 4.91 211 5.16
New York 19,167 3,001 81 16.08 1,578 8.23 1,628 8.49
North Carolina 18,834 2,714 115 15.02 1,336 7.09 1,367 7.26
North Dakota 4,335 471 101 13.19 455 10.50 559 12.90
Ohio 26,962 3,297 21 12.31 1,251 4.64 1,282 4.75
Oklahoma 22,873 2,279 141 10.58 1,815 7.94 2,168 9.48
Oregon 8,297 1,446 19 17.66 401 4.83 433 5.22
Pennsylvania 23,257 3,647 270 16.84 3,022 12.99 3,046 13.10
Rhode Island 782 162 7 21.61 120 15.35 120 15.35
South Carolina 9,483 1,401 94 15.77 527 5.56 971 10.24
South Dakota 5,893 537 72 10.33 985 16.71 1,023 17.36
Tennessee 20,418 2,388 68 12.03 898 4.40 973 4.77
Texas 56,321 7,247 87 13.02 708 1.26 819 1.45
Utah 3,227 302 2 9.42 75 2.32 79 2.45
Vermont 2,930 632 10 21.91 75 2.56 182 6.21
Virginia 14,067 2,360 46 17.10 498 3.54 561 3.99
Washington 8,749 1,588 12 18.29 456 5.21 557 6.37
West Virginia 7,658 1,688 22 22.33 1,442 18.83 1,457 19.03
Wisconsin 14,813 686 30 4.83 943 6.37 1,003 6.77
Wyoming 3,176 169 8 5.57 204 6.42 216 6.80
Guam 57 7 0 12.28 6 10.53 9 15.79
Puerto Rico 2,337 982 24 43.05 294 12.58 336 14.38
  • Overal Status includes Item 67 (Structural Condition) and Item 68 (Deck Geometry in addition to Federal Highway Administration's Good/Fair/Poor rating
  • Overall Status - Closed: Condition rating of 0 or 1 for Item 58 (Deck), Item 59 (Superstructure), Item 60 (Substructure), Item 62 (Culvert); 0 for Item 67 (Structural Condition) or Item 68 (Deck Geometry)
  • Overall Status - Needs repair or corrective action: Rating of 2 or 3 for Item 58 (Deck), Item 59 (Superstructure), Item 60 (Substructure); rating of 2 for Item 62 (Culvert); rating of 2 or 3 for Item 67 (Structural Condition), Item 68 (Deck Geometry)
  • Overall Status - Meets minimum tolerable limits: Rating of 4 for Item 58 (Deck), Item 59 (Superstructure), Item 60 (Substructure); rating of 2 or 3 for Item 62 (Culvert); rating of 4 for Item 67 (Structural Condition), Item 68 (Deck Geometry)
  • Overall Status - Good: Rating of 5 or above for Item 58 (Deck), Item 59 (Superstructure), Item 60 (Substructure), Item 62 (Culvert), Item 67 (Structural Condition), Item 68 (Deck Geometry)
  • Good (G), Fair (F), Poor(P): These terms are defined in accordance with the Pavement and Bridge Condition Performance Measures final rule, published in January of 2017. Bridge Condition is determined by the lowest rating of National Bridge Inventory (NBI) condition ratings for Item 58 (Deck), Item 59 (Superstructure), Item 60 (Substructure), or Item 62 (Culvert). If the lowest rating is greater than or equal to 7, the bridge is classified as Good; if it is less than or equal to 4, the classification is Poor. Bridges rated 5 or 6 are classified as Fair.
  • Structurally Deficient (SD): Condition rating of 4 or less for Item 58 (Deck), Item 59 (Superstructure), Item 60 (Substructure), or Item 62 (Culvert), OR having an appraisal rating of 2 or less for Item 67 (Structural Condition) or Item 71 (Waterway Adequacy) Beginning with the 2018 data archive, this term will be defined in accordance with the Pavement and Bridge Condition Performance Measures final rule, published in January of 2017, as a classification given to a bridge which has any component [Item 58, 59, 60, or 62] in Poor or worse condition [code of 4 or less].
  • Functionally Obsolete (FO): Appraisal rating of 3 or less for Item 68 (Deck Geometry), Item 69 (Underclearances), or Item 72 (Approach Roadway Alignment), OR having an appraisal rating of 3 for Item 67 (Structural Condition) or Item 71 (Waterway Adequacy). Functionally obsolete is a legacy classification that was used to implement the Highway Bridge Program, which was discontinued with the enactment of MAP-21. As a result, fiscal year 2015 was the last year outstanding Highway Bridge Program funds could be obligated on eligible projects, including ones with bridges that were once classified as functionally obsolete. Therefore, FHWA is no longer tracking this measure, and will not be publishing it on our website for the 2016 data forward. Our focus has shifted to a performance-based program as established in MAP-21 and continued in the Fast Act. As such, we encourage the use of the Good-Fair-Poor bridge condition measures outlined in the Pavement and Bridge Condition Performance Measures final rule, published in January of 2017.

'; popupContent += '

'; popupContent += ''; popupContent += ''; popupContent += ''; popupContent += ''; popupContent += ''; popupContent += ''; popupContent += '
Total # of Bridges'+feature.properties.total+'
Bridges need repair or corrective action'+feature.properties.nf+'
Rated Poor by USDOT'+feature.properties.poor+''+feature.properties.pctpoor+'
Structurally Deficient'+feature.properties.sd+''+feature.properties.pctsd+'

'; popupContent += '

'; return popupContent; }//{"type": "Feature","properties":{"gid":"01001", "name":"Autauga County, AL", "slug":"autauga", "stslug":"alabama", "year":"2018", "total":"117", "nf":"14", "nfc":"14", "cl":"0", "pctnfc":"11.97","poor":"4","pctpoor":"3.42","sd":"4","pctsd":"3.42","fo":"16","pctfo":"13.68","fc":"#e6b414","pc":"#00f014"},"geometry": {"type": "MultiPolygon","coordinates":US01001}} function onBridgeFeature(feature) { if(feature.properties.ost == 'good'){var ost = 'Good/Fair';} else if(feature.properties.ost == 'poor'){var ost = 'Meets minimum tolerable limits';} else if(feature.properties.ost == 'repair'){var ost = 'Needs repair or corrective action';} else if(feature.properties.ost == 'closed'){var ost = 'Closed';} else if(feature.properties.ost == 'N/A'){var ost = 'Report Not Available';}; if(feature.properties.bc == 'F'){var bc = 'Fair';} else if(feature.properties.bc == 'G'){var bc = 'Good';} else if(feature.properties.bc == 'P'){var bc = 'Poor';}; if(feature.properties.sd == 'y'){var sd = '
Structurally Deficient';} else { var sd = '';} if(feature.properties.fo == 'y'){var fo = '
Functionally Obsolete';} else { var fo = '';} var popupContent = "";// var popupContent = "

I started out as a GeoJSON " + feature.geometry.type + ", but now I'm a Leaflet vector!

"; popupContent += '


'; popupContent += '

'; if (feature.properties.idte != ''){popupContent += '';} popupContent += ''; popupContent += ''; popupContent += ''; popupContent += ''; popupContent += ''; popupContent += '
NBI Inspection Date'+feature.properties.idte+'
Overall Status'+ost+'
NBI Bridge Condition'+bc+sd+fo+'
Sufficiency Rating'+feature.properties.sr+'
Structural Evaluation'+feature.properties.item67+': '+feature.properties.stru+'
Deck Geometry'+feature.properties.item68+': '+feature.properties.deck+'

'; popupContent += '


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U.S. Bridge Inspections (2024)


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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.