Fort Smith Times from Fort Smith, Arkansas (2024)

Wednesday Evening, Nov. 27, 1901. THE MARKETS. COTTON. 11.

C. Cox's private wire. Liverpool, Nov 27- -The closing prices yesterday and today were: CLOSE 0008E YES. TODAY Nov. A 4 15 4 15 Nov- 4.12 4.13 pec-Jan 4-11 4 12 Jan- Feb a co 4 4 11 Spots- demend mod; 4 19-32 sales 10000 New York, Nov 72-- The closing prices yesterday and today were: Dec 7 63 7 65 Jan 7 63 7.64 Mar 7 62 7:63 Spots--Quiet; 8c; sales 79 New Orleans; Nov 27-The closing prices yesterday and today were: Now 7 46 7.46 Jan.

7 41 7 43 Mar 7 42 7 43 Spots--Steady: 7 7-16; sales 3900 CHICAGO GRAIN. Chicago, Nov 27--The closing prices yesterday and today on Sept. tran sactions were: Dee 724 Dec 62 Dec 424 Jan 1575 1637 Jan 920 932 Jan 802 820 NEW YORK STOCKS. New York, Nov 27-The opening and closing prices the stock exchange today are as follows: Open Close Steel, 923 Steel 428 TC 648 65 People's 981 804 1234 125 911 918 934 944 O. 488 494 109 1094 172 1718 Alton 37 BRT.

677 Man. 1378 Erie 428 Read 80 Wabash pid. 408 40 Ry 347 104 104 Ill 141 Atch Atch 101 Mo 1034 Tex 413 414 533 151 Rock Island. 1474 1474 St 170 1694 GROCERIES. (Corrected by J.

Echols Company, Wholesale Grocers.) Rice, fancy head, 6c; choice, medium, broken, 4c. Sugar, granulated, Y. Syrup, Buffalo drips, in 24; in half 26; in 5-quart pails, 45. Premium drips, in 30; in half 32. Extra fancy table, in 33; in half 35.

Tennessee sorghum, in 28; in half 30; 1 gal. cans, half dozen in case, per case, half gal. cans, doz. in case, per case, one-fourth gal. cans, 2 doz.

in case, per case, $2.20. Candy, Tiptop mixed, Hummer stick, Daisy, mixed, Crackers, soda, ginger snaps, assorted cakes and jumbles, 11. Oats, Friends, Hawkeye, Columbia, $2. Starch, Faultless, case, celluloid, case, Lily Gloss, lb, starch in 50-ID boxes, ID, Meats, dry salt, salt fat backs, hams, breakfast bacon, Lard, leaf, in tierces, Fairbanks tierces, Soda, Arm Hammer, case, $3.35. Coffee, Lion, Arbuckle, 05; No.

3 Rio, roasted, 50-Ib sacks, No, 11. Sardines, American $3.85. THE FORT Tom's Cabin" and the South. Possibly the general conception of the old life at the south held by the rest of the country Is that drawn from Tom's Cabin." a work whick, whatever ate truth in detall- and there was doubtless much truth--yet by reason of its omissions and its grouping contained even move untruth 118 a correct picture of a civilization, says Thomas Nelson Page In The Atlantic. As an argument against the evils inherent in slavery it was unanswerable; as a presentation of the life it under.

took to mirror it was rather a piece of emotional fiction, infused with the spirIt of an able and sincere but only partially Informed partisan, than a correct reflection. It served a purpose far beyond the dream and possibly even the Intention of its author. It did much to hasten the overthrow of slavery. It did no less to stain the reputation of the south and obscure what was worthy and fine in its life. From that time the people of the south were regarded, outside its own border, muchas, shall we say, China is regarded today- -as one of the effete peoples, as an obstacle in the path of advance and possibly among many as an object of righteous spoil.

Formidable Meal. Sometimes the names given to different varieties of plants and vegetables are confusing, not to say startling. It sounds as if one had indulged in a most meal to say, "I have just eaten an early rose." But when one remembers that Early Rose is the name of a popular variety of potato the astheticism vanishes. Potatoes seem to be especially liable to bave names bestowed on them which have a most "unedible" sound. Two women out on a bicycle tour became hungry, and there was no inn in sight, but there was a farmhouse near by, and an old man was pottering about in the adjacent potato patch.

To him they appealed for food. He promised to do what he could, saying that, at any rate, he could assure them of good potatoes, as he had every variety in his garden. The women enjoyed the meal and especially commended the potatoes. "Yes," said the farmer, "you bave not done so badly. You have eaten two Schoolmasters, two Blacksmiths, four Kidneys and a couple of White Elephants." Three Ways.

An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotchman, making a tour around the city a short time since, were observed looking through a confectioner's window at a beautiful young woman serving in the shop. "Ob," exclaimed Mr. Patrick, "do let us be after spending half a crown with the dear craytur, that we may look at her convaniently and have a bit of chat wid her." "You extravagant dog," said Mr. Bull. "I'm sure one-balf of the money will be sufficient.

But let us go in, by all means. She's a charming girl." "Ab, wait a wee," Interposed Mr. McAndrew. "Dinna ye ken it'll serve our purpose equally weel just to ask the bonnie lassie to gie us twa sixpences for a shilling and inquire where's Mr. Toompson's house and sic like.

We're no hungry and may 88 weel save the siller." Birmingham Mercury. A Lake's Jawbreaking Name. The town of Webster. bas always been proud of the beautiful little lake within its limits, but never boasted of the jawbreaking name by which! it is known. The lake has the longest and most unpronounceable name of any in the world, and residents and visitors who pass the summer on its shores and islands are quietly suggesting a substitute for the unwieldy Indian term which for many years has been applied to this body of water.

The full name of the lake is Chargoggagoggmanchogagoggagungamaug, but the residents have contracted it to -Engineer. Origin of Ice Cream Soda. According to a Wisconsin legend, ice cream soda had its origin in Milwaukee, the town that made lager beer famous. A confectioner whose trade was among the wealthy used to make a good, rich soda water by adding to it, when drawn, pure cream. His trade rapidly increased, and one night when he had a crowd to serve be ran out of cream.

In desperation be used a small quantity of ice cream to give the drink the proper rich consistency, and what resulted is The Eight Hour Day. The eight hour day is not such a new On April 2, 1792, the town of Partridgefeld, now. Peru, voted "to grant £150 for repairing highways in said town, to be worked out 2 thirds in June next, at 3s 6d per Day, and the other third in September at 3s per day. Eight hours in a day to be Deemed a Day's Work." She Agreed With Him. Husband -But you must admit that my taste is better than yours.

Wife- of course it is. Husband--I'm surprised to bear you sAy sO. Wife Oh, there's nothing remarkable about it! The mere fact that you married me and I married you proves it.Answers. SMITH TIMES. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES (Corrected by the Truschel Commission Company.) Potatoes, bushel $1,20 Onions, fb Beans, 1b 40 'Cabbage 1 Bananas, bunch Apples, bbl $3.30 $4.00 Oranges, (Florida) Lemons, box Hoop Cheese, Peanuts, roasted, Sc Peanuts, raw, 1b Pecans, Ib Walnuts, Filberts, Ib Brazils, 10 15c Almonds, 1b COUNTRY PRODUCE.

(Corrected by the Fort Smith Produce Company.) Eggs, fresh, Hens, $2.00 Springs, $1.20 Ducks, lb Geese, $2.50 Turkeys, Ib Butter, Ib Green Hides, No 1, ID Green Salt Hides, Dry Hides, No. 1, Mb Wool, tub washed, Wool, burry, Ib Wool, unwashed, to Beeswax, lb. .22 Tallow, lb MEATS AND PROVISIONS. (Corrected by the Fowler Packing Co.) Dry Salt Extras. Dry Salt 8.62½ Dry Salt Fat 9.12½ Dry Salt 8.62½ Lard, tierce Hams, 12-14 lb average.

Hams, 14-16 lb Hams, 10-12 lb average. Breakfast Bacon, 5-7 lb average.12½c Breakfast Bacon, 8-10 lb EUPION OIL NOTHING LIKE IT. The following merchants handle it: A. J. Grier, Robt.

Reichardt, fa*gan Bourland, eL T. N. Sloat, Heartack Noe. Mowry, Y' and 2, Boyd Bros. E.

Frantz. W. E. Bennett, N. F.

Scruggs, J. W. Gacking, P. Fumet, W. S.



Makers of Boston Mountain Apple Vinegar and Packere of SOUTH FOURTE STREET. His One Daily Meal. George Fordyce, the celebrated nuatomist and lecturer on chemistry, used to eat one meal a day and one meal only, but it was a mighty one. washed down with liberal drafts of wine and beer. At 4 o'clock every day he used to enter a certain chophouse and take his sent at a table always reserved for him.

silver tankard containing a quart of strong ale, a full bottle of port and a quarter of a pint of brandy were placed before him Immediately. The moment the waiter announced the doctor's arrival the cook put pound and a half of rump steak on the fire, and to while away the time until the steak should be properly broiled the waiter brought the doctor some tempting morsel like a broiled chicken ol' a plate of fish, When he had eaten this, Dr. Fordyce drank half of his brandy and then began on his steak. While eating the steak be drank the tankard of ale and after that the rest of the brandy. The waiter then uncorked the bottle of port, and the doe.

tor proceeded slowly to enjoy it until it was all gone. He spent an hour and half daily at his one meal and after it returned home to give his lectures on chemistry, which are still quoted as classics of that science. He ate nothing else until the next day, when he returned at the same hour to the same chophouse for the same sort of a meal. Dr. Fordyce lived to be sixty-six years old and kept up his one meal custom to the last.

Why the Joke Fell Flat. A big, good natured farmer was awaiting the suburban train, accompanied by a handsome Gordon setter. Two sons of Britain stood near him. The dog strayed away from his owner, who was reading a newspaper. "Hey!" called the farmer.

"Come here, Locksmith," and the dog immediately ran to his feet. One of the Englishmen approached the farmer. "May I ask," he said, "what you called that dog?" "Locksmith," said the farmer. "And why, pray?" "Because every time I kick him he makes a bolt for the door." There was a general laugh, in which the Englishman joined. When he returned to his companion, he remarked: "Most extraordinary name that man over there calls his dog." "What?" asked his friend.

"Locksmith," replied the first Briton. "And why such a name?" "Because, he says, every time he kicks 'im he bolts for the -St. Louis Republic. French Railways. Railways in France are forbidden to carry persons visibly or notoriously affected by contagious diseases in compartments that are used by the public.

In the second place, the daily cleaning and the periodical disinfection of all cars are required. Linens of sleeping cars must bear a ticket indicating to the passenger the date of the last cleaning, and they must be properly washed and afterward subjected to a high temperature. Dry sweeping and dusting, which only serve to scatter disease germs, are prohibited, it being required that all floors, seats and woodwork be wiped with cloths moistened with some antiseptic solution. The Weight of lee. The iceman and the coalman are often suspected of giving short weights -maybe oftener suspected than guilty; maybe oftener guilty than suspected.

The means of testing the weight of from ten to thirty pounds of ice are not always at hand in the house, but close estimate of the weight can be reached by multiplying together the length, breadth and thickness of the block in inches and dividing the product by thirty. This will give very closely the weight in pounds. Thus, it a block of ice is 10 by 10 by 9, the product is 900, and this divided by thirty gives thirty pounds as the correct weight. A block 10 by 10 by 6 weighs twenty pounds. This simple method can be easily applied, and it may serve to remove unjust suspicion or to detect short weights.

The Arctic Weasel. In cold countries where snow prevails during a long winter many of the animals change the hue of their coats to a white tint. The arctic bear and fox are white throughout the year. The northern hare is brown in summer and white in winter. The weasel is especially curious.

It retains its brown coat until the first snow appears and then whitens in a few hours. He Remembered. Wife (revisiting the scene of her betrothal)-I remember, Algernon, so well when you proposed to me how painfully embarrassed you were. Algernon-Yes, dear, and I remember so well how kind and encouraging you were and how easy you made it for me, after -Tit-Bits. A Clever Dog.

"A Durango man," remarks the Floresville (Mo.) Chronicle, "was show. ing to a friend the good points of his dog and threw a bait dollar coin into the river. Obediently the dog dived for the coin and brought up a two pound catfish and 85 cents in change." MILLS NOVELTY GO. Dealers COIN CONTROLLED MACHINES. Our Specialties: The Owl," five "Duplex," ten way.

Slot machines of all descriptions for sale or lease. For particulars address Kerr, Burke Laser, 215 Olive St. St. Louis, Mo. "SWEET AND PURE" mark That's of the trade leadour ing brand of flour, and those three words tell the whole story.

A Webster's Dictionary could not say more. Its sweetness and purity are absolutely guaranteed. Every housewife who has tried this flour will tell you we prove everything we claim Here Is a Proposition That Will Interest You. Save your empty "Sweet and Pure" sacks and on December 31, 1901, we will redeem the rate of 5 cents for each 48-lb sack and 24 cente for each 24-pound sack. In addition to this we will pay to the dividual.

who turns in The greatest number empty S. P. sacks $25 .00 The second greatest number empty S. P. 15 00 The third greatest number empty S.

P. sacks 10 00 In making the count each 18-lb sack; counts one and two 24-lb sacks count one. Hold your empty sacks until December 31, 1901, and on that date take them to W. J. Echols Co's, wholesale house, where they will be redeemed and the prizes awarded.

REA-PATTERSON MILLING CO COFFEYVILLE, KAN. THE GEO. TILLES INSURANCE AGENCY. PAID UP CAPITAL, $7,500 The Largest, Strongest and Best. Only the Best Companies Represented.


EXCLUSIVELY PARIS COAL COAL E. C. WILLS, Office and Yard: First and Streets Phones: Bell 677; Pan 231. DR. French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED RESULTS.

Greatest known female remedy. CAUTION ton Beware with of fac-simile counterfelts and. signature on Imitations. side of The the genuine bottle, is put thus: op only in paste- board Send for Circular 10 WILLIAMS MFG. CO.

Sole Agents, Cleveland, Ohio. FOR SALE AT COLE'S DRUG.

Fort Smith Times from Fort Smith, Arkansas (2024)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.