The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

4 Section 1. Pages 1 to 12.. FIFTY -SIXTH YEAR. PUNCTURED IT. Judge Noble's Gubernatorial Boom Slightly Shattered.

Cuyahoga County Will Go to the State Convention Unpledged. Lively Meeting of the Democracy at Army and Navy Hall. Delegates to Columbus Selected: It Was Evident From the Start That Judge Noble's Friends Were 1m the Minority, and His Name Was Not Even Suggested to the Convention An Unpledged Delegation Sent to the State Convention The Principles of Democracy Enunolated in the Ohicago Platform Indorsed- -Edward Day of the Seventh Ward the Permanent Delegates and Alternates Selected by a Committee: Judge Noble's gubernatorial boom was punctured Saturday by Democrats assembled in county convention to select seven- CLEVELAND TOLD AT A GLANCE. Capt. J.

C. Beardsley scoured a divorce from his wife yesterday. Little Iona Carr died yesterday afternoon at Charity hospital from hydrophobia 1g terrible agony. London is packed with strangers from all over the earth and the great city is throbbing with excitement over the queen's jubilee, which opens today. County conventions of both parties were held all over the state yesterday.

Many Democratio gatherings favored reamirming the Chicago platform in its entirety. The Republican county convention terday was controlled entirely by the Hanna forces. It was one of the hottest factional fights in the history of the city. The Cuyahoga county Democratic convention yesterday selected an unpledged delegation to the state convention. Judge Noble's gubernatorial boom was punctured.

The Republican ranks were broken in the senate yesterday and four important paragraphs in the flax, hemp and schedule were defeated by the combined opposition, aided by two Republicans. Hon. Paul: Sorg of Middletown is out in an interview saying that silver alone should be the issue in Ohio. He thinks that will be platform enough and that there is no occasion for dragging In other. issues this fall.

FILLED WITH BULLET HOLES. Skeleton Found in a Georgia Town -Evidence of Foul Play. WAYCROSS, June J. M. Spence at Waresboro, has in his office the skeleton of a man supposed to have been murdered.

HERBERT MITCHELL. 1 i- i A 4 the Victim Residence of the of Motor 'Accident on Euclid 'Avenue. His Funeral WIll Be Held at Parents, Capt. and Mrs. John Mitchell, No.

2170 Euclid AveDue, Monday Afternoon at 2 O'clock. ty-Ave delegates to the state convention to be held in Columbus June 29 and 30. The result of the primaries Friday night Indicated that Judge Noble's candidacy 4 was badly handicapped, he being unable to carry his own county convention. Judge Noble's name was not even wugrested in the convention and there was but one test of strength in the whole proceedIng. This test could hardly be taken as a true indication of strength, as many of the country delegates voted with Noble who were sent to the convention as favoring an unpledged delegation.

'The test came on a vote to decide whether or not the delegates to the state convention should be selected by wards and townships or by a nominating committee. Even with the strength thrown to them by the rural delegates, who seldom favor the committee nomination scheme, the Noble people were overwhelmingly beaten on the proposition. Wild scenes of disorder marked the convention when the motion was made which provided for the selection of delegates to the state convention by 3. committee. The small Noble following, together with some of the country delegates, rent the air with yells of disapproval.

The majority was not the fraction of a lap behind in their fort to outdo the minority. The combinaLion of noises put up by the whole convention, augmented by a hundred spectators, was calculated to cause any well regulated boiler shop to turn green with envy. But for this episode the convention was orderly and harmonious. The delegation sent to Columbus is unpledged us to the state ticket nominees. The convention ect an example for the state delegates by adopting strong resolutiong indorsing the free silver movement and the entire Chicago platform.

The convention was late in getting down to busincss. Ten o'clock, the hour of callIng the convention to order, had passed by three-quarters of an hour when. Chairman McGuire rapped for order. The chairman had great dimculty in getting order and it became necessary to appoint two sergeants-at-arms, and Felix Breem and James Noll were appointed, and succeeded after much effort in bringing order. out of chaos.

McGuire announced that the first order of business would be the selection of a committee on credentials. Ed Anderson moved that a committee of three for that purpose be named. The chair then named as members of the committee, Dr. Stoskopt, Luke Schrenners and A. L.

Schunte. While the committee was considering credentials Tom L. Johnson and ex -Sheriff Ryan came into the hall and were given a "hand" as they walked down the center aisle and took seats in front. The committee on credentials reported all delegations and no contests. The report was adopted unanimously.

Chairman McGuire then announced that J. CONTINUED, ON THIRD PAGE AND CLEVELAND. FOR SILVER ALONE. Paul Sorg Says That This Will be Platform is Enough. No Occasion for Bringing in Other Issues This Fall.

Conventions All Over the State, Hardin County, Republicans Vote Down a Resolution Indorsing Hanna -Democrats in Many Counties Declare Themselves in Favor of Reaffirming the Entire Chicago Platform- Hanna Holding His Men In Line. Special to the Plain Dealer. MIDDLETOWN, June Paul J. Sorg of this city, who has been as reticent as a clam in reference to his aspirations for the governorship or senatorship, gave la out a statement today. He takes a bold stand on the money question, which will put at rest the intimations of the opposition press that he is not in harmony with his party on the question.

As a matter of fact, he made speeches for Mr. Bryan last fall and contributed liberally to the campaign fund, but he made no reference to these facts in his interview. Mr. Sorg says that, while delegates have been Instructed for him, it has not been due to any efforts on his part. He claims that he is not 8 candidate for the governorship, but when asked what he would do if nominated he modestly replied: "That is hard question to answer." When asked along what lines the Aght should be made, he said: "For free silver, clean cut and alone.

As it will be the real issue, I don't believe extraneous matters should be introduced into the platform to divert attention from. 1t." He avows his preference for free silver, saying that like thousands of Democrats he has always been a bi-metallist, but believed until a year ago that it should be brought about by an international agreement. He points to the that the Democratio national platforms from 1880 to 1892 made such declarations, and after the and the administration placed in power by of 1892 had been won on these lines, the this triumph had been charged by the representations of the people in congress to appoint commissioners for monetary conference, and had refused to do so, it convinced him that the only way to secure bimetallism was by forcing it. He thinks that if. the Democratic party is conservative and prudent in its declaration for silver, the support of a big per cent.

of the business men and working people can be secured. He says this is necessary to success. ONLY HANNA MEN THERE. The Bolting Faction In Allen County Holds: a Convention of Its Own. Special to the Plain Dealer.

LIMA, June Hanna faction which revolted against the decision of the central committee that the delegates to the state convention be elected by it had its convention today and selected another list and a new committee. Yesterday the committee met, according to its decision last week, and selected delegates. The Hanna committeemen, urged on by office seekers, could see no hope unless a new committee was selected, so they called their convention, and are to be congratulated because it was the most harmonious ever held, for only worshipers at Hanna's shrine were present. C. B.

Rumbaugh, temporary chairman, called the gathering to order and shot into the Foraker camp. Resolutions were passed indorsing Mchinley, Foraker and Hanna. Hanna ment to organize, when the motive for The new committee met atter, adjourndelegates were selected. calling the convention developed, the announcement being made that there were a number of applications for postoffices ready to be signed. This caused an, explosion of wrath, as some of the members of the committes were not partial to the Hanna bosses and the meeting almost broke up in a row and none of the papers were signed, it being decided that it would be better to wait and see if the action of the convention was recognized at Toledo.

FOR THE PLATFORM OF $96. Ashtabula Democrats Hold AD Enthuslastic Convention. Special to the Plain Dealer. ASHTABULA, June large and enthusiastic mass convention of the Democrats of Ashtabula county was held here today and the. following county ticket placed in nomination: Representative, I.

B. Read, Jefferson; treasurer, D. S. Robertson, Geneva; commissioner, B. Howard, Ashtabula; infirmary director, L.

Creasy, Cherry Valley. The following delegates to the state convention were chosen: Frank Manning, H. Bieder, T. E. Hoyt, Dr.

H. P. Fricker, F. C. Moore and C.

A. Corbin, Ashtabula; I. B. Read, Jefferson; Dr. G.

S. Anderson, Andover. Alternates, C. B. Hart, JefferT.

F. Mahaney, Ashtabula; D. IV. Rouse, Geneva; G. E.

Gee, New Lyme; Dr. Satterlee, Andover; G. Silverthorne, Conneaut; George Richmond, Kingsville, C. B. Leggett, Lenox.

The alternates are delegates to the senatorial convention to be held at Columbus the same date and are instructed for Hon. L. C. Reeves for senator. The delegates to the state convention are unpledged.

Ringing resolutions reamirming the Chicago platform, the coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 and the reduction of salaries of county officials were adopted. THE CHICAGO PLATFORM. Medina Democrats Indorse It in Their Convention, A PLAIN SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE platform and every delegate. is Instructed to vote for free silver candidates at the state convention." The following delegates were elected: Kremer, Wadsworth; Grant Bennett, a free silver Republican, Windfall; A. G.

Barone, Homer; Mr. Fullerton, Westfeld, and H. B. Harrington, Medina. Alternates: D.

C. Morris, F. H. Beach, E. Z.

Worden, Alex Derhammer and J. M. Crawford. An. interesting feature of the convention was a few remarks from all candidates on the money question.

All are solid free silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 of gold. REFUSED INDORSE HANNA. Hardin County Republicans Vote A Resolution to That Etfeet. Special to the Plain Dealer. KENTON, June Foraker crowd completely wiped the earth with the Hanna faction today in the county convention.

A motion to indorse Hanna for senator was almost unanimously voted down, and the Forakerites nominated every one of their candidates. They also control the central committee and named the executive committee for this year. It is a complete turn down for. the Hanna crowd, who have "bucking" the county committee torethe past year. Out of twenty-six precincts only four had Hanna delegates in the convention.

The following ticket was named: Representative, Dr. J. S. Hedrick; sheriff, L. A.

Ansley; commissioner, W. C. Harvey; infirmary director, M. J. Robinson; coroner, John Watters.

It was discovered after the convention adjourned today that the tellers in figuring up the returns for the indorsem*nt of a candidate for state senator had made an error; instead of H. J. Mays receiving 143 votes, he and S. D. Fess of of Ada only received 142 apiece, and thus no candidate was chosen.

It is now a question how to settle the matter, and there is fear that it may cause trouble. SOLID FOR. HANNA. His Mere Control the Lorain County Republican Convention. Special to the 'Plain Dealer.

ELYRIA, June Republican county convention was held here today. Nearly the full delegation was present. The convention completed all of the business before it in less than two hours and adjourned. The following delegation will attend the state convention at Toledo: F. F.

Thomas, J. A. Dake, G. H. Ely, F.

E. Griffin, Julius Peck, E. C. Branson, A. L.

Garford, George Ingersoll, Frank Salsman, Sam Wire, T. D. Phelan, C. A. Ashcroft, I.

A. Freeman, S. S. Warner, A. H.

Johnson, W. L. Hughes. Alternates were also selected. The executive committee for the coming year 1g F.

F. Thomas, Elyria; J. A. Dake, Elyria; D. C.

Branson, Wellington; F. E. Grimn, North Amherst; F. W. Briggs, Ridgeville; F.

A. Rowley, Lorain; C. K. Horace Durkee, Eaton. Whitney, our Oberlin; B.

E. Boise, Lorain; Hanna is their favorite. Strong ticns were adopted, indorsing McKinley, Hanna, Foraker and Bushnell. The following county ticket was placed in nomination by acclamation to All vacancies that will occur next fall: Hon. D.

C. Baldwin for representative, H. J. Cahoon for county recorder, A. E.

Hayes for county commissioner and M. A. Peabody for infirmary director. F. F.

Thomas was selected as chairman of the executive committee and I. H. Griswold will serve as secretary. FUSION IN KNOX. Democrats and Populists Will Join Forces This Fall.

Special to the Plain Dealer. MT. VERNON, June Democrats and Republicans of this county held conventions this afternoon and selected delegates to the state conventions. At the Democratic convention a plan of fusion with the Populists was agreed upon which will insure Knox county to the silver forces next fall by a majority of not less than 500. The following delegates and alternates were selected: John M.

Blocher, Lewis B. Houck, Emer W. Tulloss, Charles J. Updike, John S. Schooler, H.

S. Darling, Lewis G. Welker and John S. Barnhart, Frank Harper, Max Meyers, Justus D. Smoots, David W.

Struble, James F. Smith, TV. B. Pelter, Martin J. Horn and Lloyd Bell.

At the Republican convention the Hannaites were in complete control. Sixteen delegates were selected to the state convention, each to have a one-half vote. They were instructed for Bushnell and Borebrake and the election of Hanna to the senate was indorsed. INSTRUCTED FOR PATRICK. Tuscarawas Declare Their Allegiance to the Chicago Platform.

Special to the Plain Dealer. NEW PHILADELPHIA, June The Tuscarawas county Democratic convention was held at this city today. By resolutions the convention indorsed the Chicago platform in its entirety, extended an invitation to all who supported the national ticket last fall to remain with and vote the ticket this fall; invited gold Democrats to return and cast their votes for the ticket to be nominated by the state convention; favored 3. reduction in taxation and a cutting down of salaries and fees of national, state and county officials; favored the election of president, vice president and United States senators by a direct vote of the people. Hon.

A. W. Patrick received the indorsem*nt for governor, amid great enthusiasm, Mr. Patrick to select the state delegates. John H.

Benfer was indorsed for state senator. The country ticket nominated is follows: For representative. Charles McClinchy: auditor, Fernsell; treasurer, J. A. Slingluff; commissioner, Simon A.

Kinsey; infirmary director, Peter Renner; surveyor, G. E. Hayward. FOR BRYAN IN 1900. Maskingum Democrats Indorse the Entire Chicago Platform.

Special to the P'lain Dealer. ZANESVILLE, June Democratic love feast was held here today in county convention. It was one of the most largely attended and enthusiastic tions ever held in' the county and, while there was a large number of candidates tons the friendly, several and there nominations, are no the sore rivalry spots tonight. Judge Ball wag the temporary chairman and delivered a masterly address in favor of silver. W.

M. O'Neal was the permanent chairman and sounded the slogan for silver In an eloquent manner. Mayor Gibson headed a movement to 80- cure a delegation for Lentz for governor, but he was greatly in the minority, and the delegates will be uninstructed. Resolutions were adopted indorsing the Chicago platform In its entirety, William J. Bryan for preeident in 1900 ond L.

D. Abell for member of the state board of public works. The candidates nominated were: Representative, Edwin E. Power; CONTINUED, ON. NINTH PAGE DEALER.

PRICE 5 CENTS. REPUBLICAN RANKS Finance Committee Beaten tho Senate on Four Paragraphs In the Tariff Bill. WASHINGTON, June day was rendered noteworthy in the senate by the defeat of the finance committee on four important paragraphs in the flax, hemp and jute schedule of the tariff bill. These were the paragraphs relating to floor matting, plain jute fabrics, burlaps and cotton bagging. The Democrats were enabled to carry their point against these paragraphs by the assistance of the silver Re publicans and Populiste and by the help of Messrs.

Carter and Hansbrough, straight Republicans, on the paragraph relating to matting. It was the erstrote during the considoration of the which any Republican had broken away from the party, and naturally occasioned some comment. STRUCK DEAD BY LIGHTNING. Two Men Instantly Killed and other Prostrated. ZANESVILLE, June MeFarland died from sunstroke at his home near Crookeville, ten miles west of here, this afternoon.

MoFarland's son and Mr. Barbar went to that village after the undertaker, and on their way home were struck by lightning, as also were Charles Watte, the undertaker, and his son. The undertaker was seriously injured but may recover. Barbor and young Watts died instantly. CENTRAL AMERICAN CURRENCY.

The Union of the Little Republics Makes a Common Currency Por sible. Costa Rica and Guatemala, is for a gen- this city the McKisson machine want down PANAMA, June of the plans of the greater republic of Central America, now made complete by the entrance of 24 Pages. 3 WHIPPED. 20, 1897. THE JUBILEE'S EVE of England has London so strikingly shown itself the heart of the world as it does tonight--the eve of the jubilee.

At all times the busiest hive of the human race, tonight London is crowded to its innermost door by a stupendous gathering of strangers representing nearly every race under the sun and nearly every country found upon the map. The common object of this crowd--participation in the greatest historical pageant yet witnessed in the history of the British empire- gives tone and complexion to every minute of time, to every thought and action. There is nothing in men's minds at this hour, from the highest prince in the palaces to the lowest sneak thief in the streets, but the a jubilee. it is impossible to pass along of the crowded thoroughfares without everywhere remarking the two predominant notes of the occasion, the world's desire to honor Queen Victoria and the proud wish of her subjects in 60 doing to impressively demonstrate the strength and vastness of her empire. The streets, hotels and, stately mansions of the West End are crowded.

with the great who have already come to honor the queen, while barracke and bivuoacs in and around the metropolis are thronged with soldiers in every uniform known to British administration, from the head hunting Dyack police, the mounted men of Australia, Indian and Africa, fort soldiers from the West Indies, Zaptichs from Cyprus to the stalwart representatives of military government under "Our Lady the Snows." Suggestively it is a rare kaliedoscopic picture of races, men and creeds, a vivid panorama of the march of that empire upon which, as Daniel Webster sald, the sun never sets. The air is alive with expectancy, thousands upon thousands of flags and banners float in the evening breeze, the decorations which have easily cost a million of English money are in place, myriads of lights are glowing or stand ready for their flame -London smiles in -content. The list of notables. guests of the queen, who are gathered in London tonight to offer congratulations from the nations of the earth, is long and imposing. It includes, on behalf of the United States, Mr.

Whitelaw Reid, with Gen. Nelson A. Miles, to represent army, and Rear Admiral J. N. Miller, the navy, with their aids.

The aleter republic, France, has sent an extraordinary mission headed by Gen. Davoust, Duke of Auerstadt, grand chancellor of the Legion of Honor, and grand nephew of Napoleon's famous general, Marshal Davoust. Two generals of division accompany the marshal, one' of whom especially represents President Faure, together with a staff of brilliantly uniformed officers, and M. Crozier, chief of the protocol. Monarchical Europe has accredited special representatives of its sovereigns accompanied by regiment of princes, dukes and titled people.

The Emperor of Germany has for his alter ego Prince Albert of Prussia, Prince Regent of Brunswlok, with a staff of eight general officers. Integral portions of the kaiser's empire are represented by Duke Albert of Wurtemberg; Prince Rupert of Bavaria, grandson of the prince regent; and a lineal descendant of the Stuart dynasty; Prince Frederick Augustus, Duke of Saxony; the Duke and duch*ess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, accompanied by the hereiitary Prince and Princess Beatrice; the Grand Dukes and duch*esses of Hesse and Mecklenburg-Strelitz and the hereditary Prince and Princess of HohenloheLangenburg. Russia has delegated her compliments their imperial highnesses the Grand Duke Sergius and the Grand duch*ess Elizabeth Feodrowna, who have brought with them a large suite from the czar's court. The Austro-Hungary enipire is present in the person of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir presumptive to the throne. He is accompanied by a princely entourage, and Italy contributes their royal highnesses, the Prince and- Princess of Naples and a suite of ten-all of whom are tonight at Chesterfield housethat house of famous memories.

Turning to the minor powers and countries further afield, Sweden and Norway have an interesting representative tall Prince Eugene, fourth son of King Oscar. Romania appears in the person of its ruler, Prince Ferdinand, accompanied by his princess and their suite; Bulgaria, its princo and princess; Montenegro, its crown prince, Danilo, and Servia, M. Mijatovich. the United Netherlands the Counts Van Belgium sends Prince Charles De Ligne; Lynden and Byrandt, and tiny Luxemburg its hereditary grand duke, Adolph William Charles Augustus Frederick, accompanied by Baron Von Grunstein, the grand ducal chamberlain. From the Iberian peninsula there has arrived the Duke of Oporto, brother of King Carlos, and from Spain the Duke of Sotomayer.

Switzerland's sympathy in the rejoicing is, too, shown by M. Boucart, a former president of the republic. Tho Orient, loving a pageant as Orientals do, contributes bountifully to the brilliancy of the occasion in envoys, whose every appearance is a delight to the thronging crowds. Turkey, Egypt, Persia, Japan, Corea and China make up the eastern list and it is an imposing array. The Hawaiian islands are represented by Mr.

S. M. Damon, Countries to the south of the United States do not swell the list of the titled, but they are eminently represented, and, finally, though no longer a temporal SOVereign, Leo XIII has sent to represent the holy Roman see Mgr. Cesare Sambucetti, titular archbishop of Corinth and canon of St. Mary Majoris.

Turning from those tonight in London who have come to testify the homage of the world beyond British boundary lines to those who represent that empire within them the array of envoys is no less imposing, no less picturesque, while far more pregnant with meaning to the man In the street--for they typify the vastness and variety of the empire to which he belongs. Easily foremost in this group stands the Hon. Wilfred Laurier, premier of the dominion, who, with Mrs. Laurler and the colonial premiers, are guests of her majesty at the Hotel Cecil, before the doors of which- as at all hotels and houses where royal guests are domiciled--soldiers of the queen are posted on sentry duty. In the same wing with Mr.

Laurler are from Newfoundland Hon. Sir William WhiteCONTINUED ON THIRD PAGE. London Packed With Strangers From All Over the World. Notables of All Nations Gather to Honor the Queen. Program for the Great Week.

Stupendous Gathering In the World's Metropolis In. Which All Races, Lands and Creeds Are Represented Waiting for the EXercises of Jubilee Week, Which Begin Grand Tattoo in the Courtyard of Windsor CastleThe Coming Week's Festivities. LONDON, June in the history of England has London so strikingly shown NO. 171. The McKissonites Fared Badly in Yesterday's Convention.

They Were Beaten at Nearly Every Turn by the Hannaites. The Convention Was the Scone of a Bitter Battle. A Perfect Pandemonium Reigned. True te Their Threats Peopla Ousted the Fiteea From tha Party Machinery, New Committee Composed at Bitter McKisson Haters A Solid Hanna Delegation Selected the State Convention The Con tion Indorse Hanna ReafArms Its Fate Republican It Principles, In one of' the fights watch over was waged in Republican convention ta JAMES W. HOLCOMB.

I The Probable Chairman of the Committee of Fifteen. The skeleton was found Wednesday Musquito bay, three miles from Waresboro. fan The skull contains four bullet holes, one from a thirty-eight and three from a thircaliber pistol. The wounds are in the back of the skull behind the right ear. The skeleton may be that of C.

A. Cuppet, who mysteriously disappeared from his is also an impression that the skeleton may home in Waycross a few months a ago. There be that of a drummer who mysteriously disappeared from this county last August, after having collected a large sum of money at Blakely. The drummer represented a western house. Col.

Dyer's Second Divorce. KANSAS CITY, June Henry granted a divorce to Col. D. B. from his wife, Ida B.

Dyer. Mrs. Dyer will be allowed the use of her maiden name, Ida M. Casey, $900 a year alimony and the home at No. 2904 Trost avenue.

Col. and Mrs. Dyer are very well known socially in Kansas City. Mrs. Dyer has written a book called "Fort Reno" and has contributed to newspapers and eastern magazines.

The couple were once before divorced but remarried. OceAn Steamers. NEW YORK, June Umbria, from Liverpool. Sailed: La Champagne, Ilavre: Ems. Genoa: Spaarndam, Rotterdam; Furnessia, Glasgow: Norge, Stettin.

NAPLES, June Tarly, New York. ITAVRE, June La Touraine, New York. Keeler a College Trustee. Assistant Prosecutor Keeler has returned from a week's vacation at Granville. He attended commencement exercises at Denison university, his old college, and most unexpectedly to him had honors thrust upon him.

Ile was elected to a chair in the board of trustees the college. Shot Himself by Accident. TIFFIN, June Zeiter died in-4 Special to the Plain Dealer. al stautly at his home in Swenders today by accidentally discharging a rifle into bis brain while he was preparing to kill rats. He was twenty-eight years old and was recently married.

THE WEATHER. THERMOMETER' IN CLEVELAND. June 19, 1896. June 19, 1897. Max.

Min. Max. Min. 81 60 76 64 BAROMETER IN CLEVELAND. 8 a.

m. 29.96|8 p. m. 29.86 LOCAL FORECAST FOR TODAY. For Cleveland and vicinity, showers, fresh southwesterly winds, shifting.

to northwesterly. Sun rises at sets at 7:32 (local' mean time). Moon is 20 days old; rises at 11:24. THE FLAIN DEALER BY MAIL While on your vacation you can have the Daily and Sunday Plain Dealer for 15 cents per week, postage prepaid. Changes of address as often as desired without extra charge.

eral currency for use In all of the Ave countries of the republic. The republic, as has been stated, was formed for offensive and defensive purposes, and will treat with foreign countries on that basis. The diet will be the highest legislative body, and will be composed of two delegates from each of the republics. The presidents of the republics preside over the diet, alternating each year. Rebels Win a Victory.

MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, June rebels have gained a decided victory over the government troops commanded by Gon. Villar. The government troops were completely routed and left the field a in undisputed possession of the revolutionists. No estimate of the killed and wounded has yet been received in Montevideo, but it is believed that the loss will be heavy on both sides. Reports are to the effect that.

the government troops are now being re-enforced and are preparing to march against the revolutionists again. This victory for the rebels adds another to their long list of recent triumphs, which have all been marked by severe fighting. Salem's Oldest Resident Dead. Special to the Plain Dealer. SALEM, June Barbara Phillips, one of the most widely known women and the oldest resident of Salem, died this morning -from the effects of a stroke of paralysis at the home of her daughter, Mrs.

Gideon Ernest, at the age of ninetythree ON years. Mrs. Phillips was born in England in 1804, came to this country in 1820 and to Salem in 1821, and has resided in this city and Canfield for the past seventy-six years. A Glucose Trust. CHICAGO, June to brok-.

ere. and commission men 8. glucose trust has been formed. Its existence was suspected two or three weeks ago when the price of the "long sweetening" took an up turn on a totally inactive market. Since then brokers have been kept busy recording the quotations sent them by tho refiners.

Conrad H. Matthiessen, president of the Chicago Sugar Refining supposed to be prime mover in the new trust. With but two exceptions every big glucose company in the United States is said to be included in combine. Mr. Matthiesson refuses to talk on the matter.

Mad Dog Scare at Kinsman Special to the Plain Dealer WARREN, June mad dog created great excitement at Kinsman today. Charles Gillis, a small boy, was bitten several times on the face and arms, and Edward Henry, who went to the Gillis boy's rescue, was bitten on the leg The dog was killed with de A to defeat in Saturday's county convention. It was a Hanna victory from the start and It was Hanna and bedlam Instead of Hanna and harmony throughout the convention. The Hannaites were there for war. They were not magnanimous in their victory.

Instead, they rode rough shod over the McKissonites with hob nailed stogan, and then having kicked the unfortunate friends of Mayor McKisson to the ground, they un- DEATHS. MITCHELL-Herbert eldest son of Capt. John and Mary A. Mitchell, Friday, June 18, 1897. Funeral from residence, No.

2170 Euclid on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, standard time. Burial private. Port Huron, Marine City, Detroit, Bay City and Buffalo papers please copy. 21 -Saturday, June 19, at 5 A. 01 heart failure, P.

S. Shaw, aged 79 years, at residence of his daughter, Mrs. E. E. Justus, Mentor, 0.

Funeral Sunday at 3:30, standard, at Mentor. Stop 0., P. E. R. R.

20 STANDEM-Passed away at 4:30 p. m. June 19, T. B. Standem.

Funeral tomorrow from the residence of his son, D. A. Standem, 452 Scovill at 2 p. standard. 20 FUNERAL NOTICE.

The members of Iris lodge, 229, F. and A will meet at Masonic temple at 1:30 standard, Sunday, June 20, to attend the funeral of veteran brother, P. L. Shaw, at Mentor, 0. Transportation to and from stop pro vided.

Brethren of sister lodges fraternally invited. CHARLES HOYT, W. M. I. MORRIS, Sec'y.

20 Notice -Bollermakers and iron ship builderg are requested to meet at their hall Sunday, June 20, at 1 p. standard time. to attend the funeral of Josha Askew. Services at residence, 14 West Madison at p. m.

CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our sincere thanks to our many friends, especially the teachers, for the beautiful floral pieces and for the kindness and sympathy. shown us in our lote bereavement. Also to the quartet. 20 MRS.

O. ASBECK AND FAMILY. The family of Mrs. Mary S. Parkin de sire to extend an expression of their sin corest thanks to their friends and neigh bors for the many acts kindness and at tention during their sad bereavement.

Also for the numerous expressions of ME paths which have materially helped during their mat anliction 1 4 4,1 74. Special to the Plain Dealer. MEDINA, June Medina county Democratic convention convened at the plete court house delegations at 10 from o'clock all today townships with com- with the exception of one. It was the largest Democratic county convention ever held in Medira county. Enthusiasm and a lively interest prevailed throughout.

W. A. Auld of Wadsworth was elected as permanent chairman and G. Barcne of Homer, secretary. The afternoon session convened at 1 o'clock.

The resolutions adopted were strong and to the point: bat we in tayor of the Chicago sC.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.