The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)

1 1 1 1 1 1 21, lot et 6 5 4 THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS, SEPTEMBER 27, 1906. ANOTHER REPORT ON CONDITION OF DAIRIES SEVERAL OF THEM ARE LISTED AS "UNSANITARY." NEARLY ALL COWS "GOOD" second report of dairy mapectors, on the Inspection of small dairies contributing to the Indianapolis milk market, has Just been made to Dr. Eugene Buchler. secretary of the city Board of Health. The repont In made on dairies located principally in Marion and Hendricks counties.

preceding report dealt mainwith dairies in Johnson county, along the line of the Indianapolis, Columbus Southern Traction Company. The seoond report shows that forty-five dairies have been inspected to date, with total number of 1,150 cows, of which all but three cows have been in good conditoti: The report on each separate dairy gives the number and condition of cows, the location and condition of the coolingroom, a description of the barn and surrounding The principal difference between Dr. Buehler and the dairymen whose places have been Inspected has been with reference to floors in barns. Dr. Buchler has claimed that a dairy with a dirt floor should be listed as unsanitary, while the dairymen say that a dirt floor does not of necessity, mean unsanitary conditions, and on this point they take exception to the reports that are made on many dairies by the Inspectors.

Listed Unsanitary. In the report just made, the following dairymen have their barns or barn surroundings listed as often because of a dirt floor: Luther Tex, Shelbyville road, Marion county: J. A. Brown, Kealing avenue, Indianapolis; Worth Woodard, Valley Mills, Hendricks county: Charles Reynolds, Camby, Hendricks county: A. A.

En Clayton, and Albert Phillips, Mooresville, Hendricks county, and Parmer Wills, Plainfield, Hendricks county. The reports made are somewhat confusing, as at times the condition of the cooling-room or location, or. the surroundines of the barn may be listed 88 without the mark of "unsanitary" being placed against the dairy. In all but two dairies the cows inspected for this report are listed as in condition, while in those of Adolph Jaeger, of South Sherman Drive, and George Gross, of the Shelbyville road, they are listed "fair." NEW BUTLER IS GONE. Thomas Johnson le Charged.

with Stealing from Employer, The loss of $60 and the disappearance of new butler from the residence of R. F. Hall, 09 North Capitol avenue, are responsible for complaint filed with the police yesterday against Thomas Johnson, twenty-eight, a negro. whose home said to be in Chicero. Johnson was employed as butler in the Hall home less than a week ago.

Tuesday morning he failed to appoar at the house, and was supposed that he was Wednesday he also failed to put 111 his appearance, and it was discovered during the day that some one had stolen 550 from chiffonter in an upstairs bedroom. The family placed the matter in the hands of the police. Johnson left clothing and other effects at the Hall home, and has not been seen since day evening. IN FAVOR OF TAX FERRETS. Decision that Gives About $5,000 to Hicks and Workman.

of Hicks and Workman. The sum In controversy is approximately $5,000. "High Finance" in Richmond. to The Indianapolis News) to The Indianapolis KOKOMO, September -Judge Claybaugh, of Frankfort. special judge sitting in the trial of the Grant county tix ferret case, in the Howard Superior Court, has rendered a decision finding for the tax ferrets, Joseph Hicks and J.

B. Workman. of Indianapolis. on every tarial point. He held that the county commissioners of Grant county had Atthority to execute a contract with the tax ferets for searching out sequestered taxables and that the terrets are entitled to the per cent.

that their contract guaranteed them on the taxes they collected. It is held that the county council of Grant county is in error in refusing to make an appropriation for the remuneration RICHMOND, September As an example of "high finance." though carried on only to limited extent, the career of W. P. O'Leary, whose affairs are to-day being straightened up, is of Interest. D'Leary and his, wife came to Richmond several months ago.

With a capital of $15 O'Leary opened a fruit store. In six weeks lie had become indebted to local commission firms to the extent of nearly 8000. -Because of his attentions to a young roman. O'Leary's wife objected, and he assaulted her. He was arrested and fined, and then deserted his wife -and abandoned business.

The discovery was made that O' Lears had no resources. To-day Hits Indebtedness was settled on the basis of 15 cents on the dollar. The wife is still here, having made every effort to raise funds to settle her husband's debts, but O'Leary has been missing three weeks, and bia whereabouts is ont known. Foundry and a Power Plant. to The Indianapolis RUSHVILLE, September 27.

-Madden who are bullding a new foundry in this city, have Incorporated with 125,000 capital. The directors are: J. W. Stephen Kelly and Wallace Morgan. The J.

W. Beck Light, Heat and Power Company, which will operate a water and light plant in Carthage, has Incorporated at $10.000. The directors are Beck, Dollie Beck and Jesse C. Overman. Sentenced for Life.

(Special to The Indianapolla Newa.J, MT. VERNON, September 97-In the Circult Court to-day special Judge Herdia F. Clements overruled the motion it the attorneys for Newton Grady for a trial and sentenced Grady to serve term In the Michigan City penttentlary. Grady was convicted for the of David Alsop, at New Harmony, on the evening of July last. VICHY CELESTINS THE GENUINE Natural Avold Alkaline Imitations! Water Imported only by Analysis Fraser made in bottles Co.

Tike this Sth Ave, N.T. shows Syphon A for all certain disorders cure Vicky to beenly arising from Croton water charged with Impaired Digestion Dyspepsia The CELESTINS never sold in Gout syphons Ask Your Physician Sold by -Mueller Drug Co. FIRST MONEY FOR FRANCHISE Henry County Enjoys a Novel Experience- -Natural Gas Hopes. to The Indianapolia NEWCASTLE, September -The Richmond Gas Company has agreed to pay into the Henry county treasury $500, which will be the first money of the kind ever received in this county. Hibbens, of the company, appeared before the County Commissioners and asked for a franchise to lay gas mains in the southern -part of the county for the purpose of piping gas from the new fleld near Lewisville, to Richmond.

The commisstoners gave the franchise asked for on the condition that the company pay $500. In times past valuable franchises have been given away by county and city authorities, and public opinion has on several occasions been aroused. The Richmond company has number of good wells in the new field, and it is believed will in the future rely on this supply for Its Richmond patrons. People this city and vicinity are hoping that this plan will be adopted and that the Cadis feld will then be used by the company in supplying this and surrounding towns in Henry county. AFTER THE GAMBLERS.

Prosecutor Starts Grand Jury Investigation of Hagerstown Fair. to The Indianapolis New a.J RICHMOND, September Jessup, whose relentless war on saloon keepers who have failed to obey the liquor laws has caused the city to be tight for several months, is to begin on a program of additional cleaning up when the grand jury meets next week. At the Haegratown fair A few weeks ago the prosecutor found that gambling was running wide open. Nothing was done at the time, but now scores of men have been summoned before the grand jury to tell what they know of the Hagertown cases. Violations of liquor laws in other towns of the county outside of this city are also to be investigated.

Girl Takes Her Own Life. to The Indianapolis News. TERRE HAUTE. September Ira Purcell, the young man who WaS drowned while attempting to recover his hat which had fallen in the Wabash river. and whose sweetheart, Anna Lester, committed suicide when she learned of his death.

had been seen frequently among the resorts in the West End. Coroner Nichols learns that he was not escaping from the police at the time he started across the river, but, with a companion named Voorhees. was returning to the city and while on the Vandalla bridge was overtaken by a train. He stepped on an abutment and his hat blew off. After the train had passed he waded into the river, got his hat and started back to the shore, but stepped into a pool of deep water and was drowned.

The Lester girl said to her mother, that if she were dead the Insurance on her life would pay for the burial of both. An hour later she was dead from carbolic, acid poisoning. Purcell's relatives came here from Lin- ton at midnight. Whirled to Death on Shaft. to The Indianapolis News 1 BOONVILLE, Indi, September Eugene Everett, age thirty-three.

was killed in the Worsham Newburgh coal mines, by being whirled around a swiftly turning shaft. He was night watchman and had gone to the airshaft to oil the fan when his loose clothing caught on a key and he was hurled to death. His cries aroused a neighbor who found Everett unconscious several feet. from the fan. On examination it was found that his arms and legs were broken, and several of his ribs.

He died three hours later. He leaves widow and a child six years old. Painter Falls to His Death. to The Indianapolia News.) CRAWFORDSVILLE, September Thurnblaser, a German painter, tell with a swinging scaffold while paintIng at a New Richmond elevator yesterdey, receiving injuries which resulted in death few hours later. The accident was the result of a bad knot tied by the pletim.

William Simms, fellow-workman. was on the scaffold, but a rope helped break his tall, and he escaped with a broken ankle. The men fell forty-five feet. Thurablaser came to this country from. Hamburg, Germany, only six weeks agO.

After Money Order Raiser. to The Indianapolis man. Finds Wife in Muncie. FT. WAYNE, September The postmasters of northern Indiana have been passing along a warning from one to another to notify their patrons to beware of the money order raiser.

He cheats storekeepers by appearing after postoffice hours to make a small purchase and offers a money order in payment. It looks all right, and when indorsed the fellow frequently obtains considerable cash in change. The secret service offclals are hoping to obtain a description of the to The Indianapolis MUNCIE, September "Goodby forever, wrote Mrs. William Wasson. of Lafontaine, to her husband who found note containing those words lying on a dresser when he returned home.

Amazed and unable to explain the circ*mstances, Wasson started on a search for his wife, tracing her to Wabaah and thence to Muncie. With the assistance of the police he found her in 8 hotel. She returned home with her husband and gave no reason for her abrupt departure. Blind Fish In Oil Well. Especial to The Indianapolis Newa1 HARTFORD CITY.

September 27. -A most remarkable oil well was shot in Wells county, north of here, yesterday. Workmen say that after the shot stream of salt water as large as the hole spurted to the top of the derrick for half an hour. In the water five blind fish were found. It le supposed that a subterranean lake was opened by the drill and that the fish were forced out of the hole by explosion.

Buy Belgian Stallion. roan. Take Out Naturalization Papers. to The, Indianapolis FRANKLIN, September George Wolte and Jarvie Alexander, In company with half a dozen leading men of Johnson county, yesterday bought from V. M.

Spradling. of Frankfort, the fine Belgian stallion. Morris D. Roge The animal was foaled near Brussels, Belgium, and was imported in 1905 by Mr. Spradling.

He is a four-yearold, and stande sixteen hands and one inch high, weighs 2.000 pounde and is a blue to The Indianapolis News.) FT. WAYNE, September The circult and superior judges were kept busy last night naturalizing who wished to take out their seeond papers before the new law went Into effect at midnight. The records show that they were mostly Germans who have been here for many years, some as long as thirty-five to forty years, and had never taken out more than their first papers. Against Peanut Roasters. (Special to The Indianapolia News.) NEWCASTLE.

September The blowing up of peanut roaster Monday when James Solmon, city employe was injured, has caused the Council to take action. An ordinance will be passed forbidding the operation of such machines on the sidewalks in front of business houses, and also for the removal of big gasoline tanks which several groceries have placed on the sidewalks. To. Go Out of Natural Gas Business. (Special to The Indianapolis MUNCIE.

September After being in the natural gas business in small way for nearly a score of years, the city of Muncie la preparing to sell its leases and its equipment. Natural gas was formerly used to operate the old garbage plant. but there 18 not enough of it to run the new incinerator and so it has been decided to abandon its use entirely. PROPOSED LEVY FOR 1907 MAY BE LOWERED CUTS OF APPROPRIATIONS ARE LIKELY IN COUNCIL. ESTIMATES MADE ARE CLOSE A special.

meeting of the City Council, probably for to-morrow evening, is expected to be called by Mayor Bookwalter, for the purpose of passing the general appropriation and tax levy ordinances, which are now being considered by the finance committee. Under the law both must be passed in September. There seems to be a possibility that the Council will take action that will lower the proposed tax levy for 1907 to 89 cents. The ordinance as it came from the Hands of Mayor Bookwalter and Controller Breunig calls for a levy of 90 cents, the maximum levy under the law. Cuts Are Expected.

The committee on finance, which met last evening, will hold its final meeting this evening, when the report to be made to the Council will be decided on. Cer-1 tain cuts in appropriations and certain eliminations are expected to be made, and there is a possibility that these may approximate more than $15,800, the sum represented by cent in the levy. Harry E. Royse, chairman of the Council committee on finance, says certain eliminations and reductions of appropriations are being discussed, and may be made. He would not say in what specific instances cuts or eliminations will be recommended by his committee, but It 18 believed the Park Board's appropriation will be cut, and the appropriation for police patrol automobile wagon will be eliminated.

The Park Board's appropriation in the ordinance is for an Increase of $14,700 over last year; in reallty an increase of $34.700, because the sum of $20,000 for 8 last payment on the Deaf Institute grounds bought for a park, was included in the 1906 appropriation. It la understood that some members of the finance committee favor cutting the Park Board's appropriation to the same as that for 1906, which would even then be virtually an Increase of $20,000. Would Lower Appropriation. This cut would lower the total appropriation for all city departments by $14,700, while if the appropriation for an automobile patrol wagon were cut out the further sum of $4,800 for the wagon and repairswould be added to the amount of total reduction, making the finance committee's appropriation ordinance call for at least $19,500 less than that sent to the Council by Controller Breunig. Councilman Royse said he doubted whether his committee would be able to reduce the levy, because of the fact that Controller Breunig's figures on fitting the levy to the appropriations were so close.

He would not express a decided opinion as to a cut in the levy, however. DEMURRER IN DAMAGE SUIT. Express Companies Say Complaints Do Not State Sufficient Cause. The American Express Company and the United States Express Company, against which several suits were filed in the Superior Court three weeks ago for damages for charging an extra fee for the dellvery of express matter in distant portions of the city, but within the city limits, filed a demurrer to one of the suits in Judge McMaster's court this morning. It is alleged, simply, that the complaints do not state a sufficient cause for action.

Attorneys representing the two companies notified Judge McMaster that they would file a memorandum of points end authorities covering one of the cases soon, and asked for an oral argument in all the cases. The charges made in all the suits are the same that the express companies are violating a statute which them provides that express matter carried by shall be delivered to all parts of the city without a charge over and above the regular express tariff. Damages in the sum of $500 is asked in each case. HENRY W. VOIGHT DEAD.

One of the Best Known of the Older Germans of the City. Henry W. Voight, one of the best known of the older German citizens of Indianapolis, died at his home, 1132 North Illinois street, at 2:20 this morning. He was eighty years old, and had lived in Indianapolis since 1848, when he first came to this country from Bruekelburg, Prussia, the place of his birth. Mr.

Voight had been sick about three weeks, and his death was not unexpected. For many years he was one of the traveling salesman of W. J. Holliday and was later taken Into the firm. Some years ago he retired, and has not been time.

engaged In active business since that He was a member of I. 0. Fermania No. 129; the Druids, the Pioneer Society, member of the directorate of the German Protestant Orphans' Home, a member of the German Evangelical Zion church and the Independent Turners. Six grandchildren survive him.

CAR HITS MILK WAGON. Frank Myers, the Driver, Is Seriously Injured. A wagon owned by the W. H. Roberts dairy and driven by Frank Myers was struck by a south-bound car on the Indiana Union Traction Company's line at Thirtieth street, northeast of the city, late, yesterday afternoon and Mr.

Myers WAS seriously Injured. The wagon was demolished and one of the horses was alightly. Injured. Mr. Myers was taken to the Deaconess Hospital.

His Injuries consist of a broken jaw and collar bone and several fractured ribs. Mr. Myers is married and has two children, and lives on the Roberts farm, northeast of the city. The car was an express car and it is said that it was running at a high rate of speed on a down grade. COUNTY COURTS' RECORD.

SUPERIOR COURT. Room 2. James M. Leathers, Judge. Municipal Bonds Company, va.

John J. Clark et Improvement lien; dismissed as. to defendanta William and Minerva Stafford and Z. J. Wheeler at costs.

John J. Peckham the University Place Baptist church et Municipal Improvement Bonds Hen; Company dismissed and costs paid. vs. William H. Miller et Improvement lien; diamiased and costs paid.

Municipal Bonds Company Margaret Nolan et improvement Ilen: dismissed and costs paid. Municipal Bonds Company vs. William I. Hunt et Improvement lien; dismissed and costs paid. The Indiana Supply Company William C.

Shannon et al: account and recetver: evtdence heard: Charles O. Britton appointed recelver: finding and judgment against defendant In favor of Indiana Trust Company for $150 and costs. Municipal Bonds Company Talge Mahogany Company; improvement lien; dismissed and costs paid. A. F.

Moore et al. Francis M. Helma; account: evidence heard: duding and judgmeut against defendant for $281.95 -and costs. Samuel R. Jones J.

W. Case et receiver: evidence heard: Frank Groninger appointed receiver. Oscar B. mitted Beeler court: evidence heard; Beeler: decree divorce; sub- I Eva W. to granted plaintiff on cross-complaint: judgment against plaintiff for costa.

CRIMINAL COURT. Fremont Alford, Judge. Albert Devoll, rape: Jury sworn to answer questions as to qualifications; motion to quash filed overruled: defendant examined; trial by Jury; evidence heard. NEW SUITS. Slay.

Minkle, by next friend. in Minor ejectment: Hinkle, Fred Cassady: complaint Room 2. Frank- Bibimafer ve. Indiana Bihlmaler: divorce: Room 8. Walter J.

Hubbard va. C. Duncan et complaint on note; Room The Columbia National Bank vs. the Indiana Advertising Company; complaint on note; Room 2. Edward A.

Brets et al. Arthur G. Brets et complaint for partiton; Room 1. Elmer Magruder ve. Indianapolls Martinsville Rapid Transit Company; da nages: Room 1.

CLASS IN LITERATURE. College Extension Course Being Ar- ranged at Butler. A college extension course in classical literature for those who are interested In that subject, but have Do command over Greek or Latin, 1s being arranged by the college study extension department of Butler College. It will be given jointly by Professor Payne, recently called to the chair of Greek in Butler College, and Gilbert Carr, head of the department of Latin. of Shortridge High School.

Thirty weeky meetings of the class will be held at Shortridge High School, beginning Monday afternoon, October The first half of the course will consist of a general survey of Greek literature. Several masterpleces, particularly Homer and the dramatists, will be read in transitions. This will be followed by lectures on different periods of the literature down to the Graeco-Roman age. The second of the course will be devoted to a short outline of the development of Latin literature and reading of two or three authors in English translation. College credit and credit toward assistant principals' certificates in the city schools is given for this work.

Prospective students should send their names to the secretary of the college study department, Butler College. HOME FOR YOUNG GIRLS. President of W. C. T.

U. Suggests that One be Erected. Mrs. Martha Gipe, president of the Marion county W. C.

T. has suggested that the Onion- try to build and maintain a home for girls. She thinks much good could be accomplished by establishing an auxiliary to do rescue work and to care for young girls who come to the city to seek work and are not successful. The advisability of beginning this work was discussed, at the county W. C.

T. U. convention to-day. Miss Florence Moats won the grand gold medal in the oratorical contest last night. The medal was presented by Harry G.

Hill on behalf of the society. Mrs. Gipe was re-elected president and Mrs. Van Dyke vice-president. This morning reports were given by the department superintendents and memorial services were held, conducted by Mrs.

Frances Potter. Dr. Martha Kellar gave a talk on "Medical Temperance" this afternoon. Mrs. Frances Boyer led in the discussion of "Systematic Giving, and Mrs.

Irene Hawley spoke. HORSETHIEF DETECTIVES. Convention will be Held in Lebanon Next Month. LEBANON, September The -sixth annual convention of the National Horsethief Detective (Association will be held in this city on October 1 and 2, The sessions will be held in the M. E.

church. The delegates number 155, and will represent branches in Ohio, Illinois and Indiana. In addition to the list of delegates 300 members of detective organizations in the three States will attend. Monday evening's session will be the only one open to the public. On that occasion the welcoming address will be delivered by Judge S.

R. Artman, and the response will be made by A. W. Hammer, president of the association. A program of musical and literary features will be given.

The sessions on Tuesday will be devoted to business and will be behind closed doors. INDIANA BEAUTY MARRIED. Represented America In European Congress of Beautiful Women. to The Indianapolis News. GOSHEN, September -Miss Eva Esther Domer, caughter of Mrs.

Chloe Domer, of Goshen, and who was sent to London and Paris a few years ago by the organization of European milliners as a representative of the American type of beauty In a congress of beautiful women of all countries, was married Wednesday evening to Leslie Victor Clough, a send merchant, of Sioux Falls, S. by the bride's uncle, the Rev. Wiliam Hess, at his home, two miles southwest of Goshen. Mr. and Mrs.

Clough left for Chicago, where they will remain for a few days before leaving for their home in Sioux Falls. TWO MEN INDICTED. Charged with Cutting Down Fine Shade Trees. As a result of an Investigation made by the grand jury into the destruction of fine ash trees on the Butler College campus by telephone linemen, Thomas Hood, of 927 East Seventeenth street, and Jesse Imble, of 919 East Seventeenth street, have been Indicted on the charge of destroying shade trees. The men were arrested this morning by Sheriff Edward Sourbler.

Hood and Imble said they were employed by the New Long Distance Telephone Company. The men will be tried in the Criminal Court. but the date for their hearing has not been set. To Meet in Fomlinson Hall. The use of Tomlinson Hall for an evening meeting.

November 9, has been offered the teachers of the Ohio State Teachers' Association, by City Controller Breung, and accepted by them. The Ohio teachers will meet in Indianapolis for an inspection of the schools of this city, and will hold business and other sessions on the evening of Friday, November 9, and on the following day. The School Board was able to give the visitors the use of Caleb Mills Hall for Saturday, but not for Friday evening, as It is taken for that evening. dilemma, Mr. Breunig came to the teachers' aid with Tomlinson Hall.

He says the offer of the hall for one evening is a small enough courtesy to show teachers who come all the way from Ohio to hold their meeting in Indianapolis. Reunion at Veteran's Bedside. to The Indianapolis News.) LEBANON, September lowing a custom established twelve years ago, veterans of the civil war assembled yesterday at the home of Moses Sallee and assisted in celebrating his sixty-seventh birthday anniversary. Mr. Sallee served in Company Eleventh Indiana Cavalry, during the civil war.

For the last sixteen years Mr. Sallee has been an invalid, and confined to his bed. The annual reunions are held at his bedside on the occasion of his birthday anniversary. Yesterday. forty-five of, the old soldiera spent the day with him.

A program of songs and speeches was given. Relatives of Mr. Sallee served a big dinner to the visiting veterans. Asks Examination of Books. A petition asking for the appointment of two experts to go over the books of the Indianapolis Transfer Company and the Frank Bird Transfer Company has been fled in the Federal Court Wy the plaintiffs in the case of Nellie R.

Chriswell, Harriett A. DeMuth and John C. Tomlinson against the Frank Bird Transfer Company, the Indianapolls Transfer Company and various of their officers. The bill of complaint was filed several months ago in an effort to get an accounting as to the expenditures and receipts of the defendant company. The plaintiffs are stockholders.

Resigns from Fire Department. Ezra Hamilton, for eleven years member of the fire department, has resigned to engage in the grocery business. He has been stationed at hose house No. 21, in Brightwood. He bas bought a grocery at 3591 Massachusetts avenue.

Before he was appointed to the fire department, Hamilton was, for time, a member of the police force, and was for two years deputy sheriff under Sheriff Henry Langenberger. Negro Brought Back. Charles Raglen, a young negro, who 18 accused of eloping to Columbus, 0.. with a sixteen-year-old white girl, was brought to ndlanapolis from Columbus last night. He was arraigned before Justice of the Peace Smock this morning and waived examination.

In default of bond in the sum of $2.000, required by 'Squire Smock, Raglen was locked up in jail. The WASHINGTON 360-370 Friday, Letter Day The Star WASHING Star Red The best chance of the whole week to provide Fall apparel for the whole family at prices which are not dupli-! cated elsewhere in the city, besides many all-day bargains. Notice the special hour sales in shoes and domestics. Clothing Specials Great. Economy Ready-to-Wear Household Needs FOR FRIDAY IN CARPET DEP'T.

For Ladies and Children Extra SpecialWhite lined and Children's Buster Brown suits, with New line of tapestry carpets, up-to- Cambrie corset covers, with lace blue mottled tea shield, tie and patent leather 3 belt; date patterns in Orientals and florals; trimming: regular 25c value: kettles; cholce of to 7 knickerbocker years; panta; sizes a sale splendid price, 80c value; Friday Friday special Nos. 7 or 8: 81.00 5 Roys Norfolk suits; sizes 4 and 12 pieces extra quality velvet carpets, Ladies' muslin drawers, with cluster while Friday years only; worth up to In Oriental two-tone greens and reds; also of tucke and deep hem; limit of two Stepladders, durand floral designs; worth pairs to a customer: Friday ably made: 5-Toot to 6 Boys' years; heavy, odd pants woolen from suits pants, that price, $1.00 yard; Friday sale 79c special 2001 sold up to $2.98: Friday, a 48c Choice of our entire line of mattings, Tape to girdles In Friday white only: Glass stand lampe, complete with E. 69c pair worth 35c, 32c and 380; Friday. 23c sizes 18 25; good burner: 60c quality, Men's suits, medium weight and me- sale price, per White. India linon waists.

pretty for 35c dium colors; worth up to 10 patterns all-wool Ingrain carpets in Friday 3.65 from our regular line, on and attractive styles; formerly sold Jelly glasses with tin tops; any Young double-breasted men's tall and and winter suits; sale Friday at, per yard 59c up special to Friday 1.00 of size: stock closing at, per out dozen the balance coat long pants: 9x12 velvet rugs in color11 to 19 years; best $5.00 value: ings and designs; worth Baby dresses of warm domet flan- One dozen quart-sizo tin Friday 3.50 Friday sale 17.95 nel, in small checks and stripes; cans for preserving and Men's trousers. tall and winter Choice of our 60c line of linoleums, Friday's price one cake sealing WAX. a styles: pair plain black and fancy; 85c all yard new fall patterns: Friday, 43c dresses, Domet 6 and to 14 cotton years plaid school 75c for Fliday, all 33c Men's fancy striped sweaters; our washing machine. very best 50c grade: Fri- with galvanized bottom: day 25c Domestics--Here's Where You Save verx specta! 1.65 Incandescent light; good Friday Specials Fine grade unbleached sheeting hemmed bedspreads, 76c burner; value: guaranteed: Friday. 29c muslin, for yard wide, or, Te grade; 20.

5c honeycomb weave; special for 45c 150 gas mantels, IN AISLE yards $1.00, Friday Friday Yard-wide cambrie muslin, al- Silkoline-covered comforts, filled CENTER to Beaded 7-inch bags, with assorted chain colors, han- 3 most quality, equal a to' Lonsdate: 10c with special at white cotton, yarn tied; 89c dies, worth up to $1.50. Can be Heavy teasled outing flannel, light 45-Inch bleached pillow case frames, muslin; Savings in Shoes worn by women and chil- and dark patterns: 10c kind, a 74c yard regular quality; Friday, Girls' custom-made shoes; (box dren; 49c yard 5-4 wide table ollcloth, white, mar- and best quality vici; best onk soles; New fall flannelettes, for wrappers, bled and fancy, second quality school term: la whole foot-form shape: will wear with Women's gilt black frames; leather regular wrist 39c bags, waists quality and kimonos: 100 and 74c 15c grade, Friday, shoe made Friday beats any 001.69 quality, Friday 22c 1260. Dark outing flannel, well HOUR SALE blue 9 calico to 11 and n. shirt- m. Ladies' fine shoes; patent, vial kid Wool fascinators, in all colors; reg- superior quality, at, teasled: Indigo prints; special, or gunmetal calf, in button or 50c size: special Fri- yard ing college or blucher style; light day.

25c HOUR SALE 2 to 4 and heavy soles. This shoe. in style, fit Novelty chain necklace -something 10-4 gray cotton blankets, in red or Lonsdale or Hope, bleached muslin, In the city. Friday any $4.00 shoe service, equals all colors: regular 69c grade; value, yard very new: beautiful stone settings in Line borders, crochet edge; 69c best 10c grade; special, a special 1.98 special for Friday 25c Children's shoes, heavy or light Corset cover patterns, slightly solled; soles, with uppers of calf or dongola for regular 50c quality; Friday 29c Hose and Underwear Dress Goods and Silks day kid: regular $1.00 kind; Roman scarfs and squares to. match; For Women and Children You Pay Less Friday HOUR SALE to 11 n.

m. grade, Friday regular. 21 hose Girls' spring heel vict kid lace shoea; openwork patterns; bons, HALF laces PRICE and on embroideries. remnants of rib- sizes; colors; Children's worth lace or to in plain 10c; black, styles; choice, white broken and novelty 38-inch smartest strictly brilliantines and all-wool of sicilians. granites, In kid $1.00 or kind patent -alp; the up a the shades blue, brown pair, until and black: a bargain at 50c; 22c HOUR, SALE- 2 10.

4 Women's hose; 50 dozen, fast black Friday special, a kid or calfskin lade shoes. Friday Flyers a and customer: seamless; limit Friday, of a 3 pairs to school Double dresses: width a plaids, complete for line children's of the with $1.50 extra kind strong. oak soles: 1.19 Children's hose, heavy ribbed, dou- late fall colorings; Friday apeIN THE LINEN DEP'T. ble knee, heel and toe: no seams: cial, vard 10c soft finish, for dish cloths; regular Underwear, broken lines; misses' evening shades, black included; really All-linen unbleached crash: nice, al pair chines; a big variety of street and sizes 6 to 10; 15c value: Friday, 42-Inch silk and wool crepe de Toilet Specials Day, grade. yard Friday, Red Letter 5c pants and suits, open children's stock: choice, vests and a yard $1.00 value; Friday only.

69e per Ammenla bottle and witch hazel, 10c 64-inch bleached table damask; reg- per garment, until 54-inch all-wool broadcloths, in late Williams's 10c shaving. soap, 5c ular 35c quality; your choice of all the Women's vests, medium weight, shades of rose, red, green, gray, blue, Friday 5c new patterns for Friday only, 23c derby ribbed, long sleeves; reg- plum, tan, brown and black; a rega yard Unbleached dice ular Women's 25c value, winter-weight fleeced ular yard $1.00 grade; Friday, a talcum Mennen's borated and violet pattern napkins; great to wear: a very special bargain; vests and pants, in regular and ex- 38-Inch -wool henrietta, In all Cuticura, Woodbury's facial and don't miss it. On sale Friday, 75c tra sizes; splendid values; per 25c the new fall colors, including Packer's tar soap, choice, for 38c, or the dozen for. garment, 50c, 38c black, a 20c Friday DAY'S RECORD OF VITAL STATISTICS Wilson Taylor and Mary M. Duncan.

William C. Franklin; 830 Haines avenue, and Catherine J. Bridgens, 926 West Fourteenth street. Herman B. White.

New Orleans. La. and Elva W. Cloury, 610 East Twelfth street. William E.

Campbell, Kansas City, and Fannie 8. Underhill, 1625 Central avenue. Charles Warrington, $28 Elm street, and Etta Bridges, 823 Hosbrook street. Roy Padgett, 629 Massachusetts avenue, and Florence W. Cupples, 317 N.

Senate avenue. George W. Leek. 1801 North Capitol avenue, and Margie E. Stany, Linden Hotel.

Karl Bell, 317 Ellsworth street, and Blanche F. Jones, 317 Ellsworth street. Oliver P. Wood. 1001 North Alabama street, and Dora A.

Gumn, 480 -Reisner street. Walter Foxhall, 1708 Yandes street, and Nora E. Schlegel. 1206 Central avenue. E.

Leo Davidson, 919 Roach street, and Tyler F. Taylor, 2121 North Delaware street. James T. Pope, 317 West Michigan street, and Ida Adame, 761 W. Walnut street.

Arthur Wabnitz, 2920 East New York street, and Edith G. Sage, 913 North Senate avenue. Birth Returns. George and Della Plegg. 648 Schumann boy.

Charles and Reno O' Lowry, 2622 E. Washington boy. Frank J. and Alva Selbert, city. girl.

Charles and Mrs. Showalter, 107 W. Twenty -second girl. Waldeman and Lovena Heler, 912 Highland Arford and Myrtle Gwynn, 1910 Hovey girl. T.

W. and Pearl Bennett, 1622 Spann girl. C. and Anna Cole, 2833 N. Missouri boy.

Carl and Hermenia Lawrenz. $37 Napoleon boy. and Henrietta Morgan, 701 Darnell Diep boy. Lartie and Emma Harmon, 716 S. Alabama girl.

Death Returns. Leonard Schurr, 58, 1411 N. Alabama, diletion of heart. Warren McKiernan, 74, 1919 Columbia, nephritis. William Carr, 17, 2117 Lambert angina pectoris.

Mary Hoss, 79, 115 Evison, pleurisy. Rosa Obergfell Nordman, 32, 213 West Alonzo Eighteenth 8. West, angina 35, St. Vincent's pectoris. Hospital, accidental Injury.

Prema Cravens, 70, City Hospital, eucephalitis. Oliver Pringle, 45, police station, suicide. Building Permits. Indianapolis Rubber Company, E. Georgia addition.

$5,000. Sagalowsky Brothers, remodel, 625 W. Washington $1.000. Jennings Brothers, five dwellings, Deloss L. foundation, Illinois, between $2,000.

Georgia Deschler, and Maryland $8,100. John 8. Laraym, brick fat, 2132-2134 Talbert $7.500. 0. T.

Eaton, frame honse, Thirty-Afth $7.250. Capital Rattan Company, addition, Naomi $2,500. J. W. McDonald, two residences, 49 Eastern, $4,600.2 E.

J. Ellis, dwelling, Rural st. Mrs. Eberhardt, addition, rear 122 S. Capitol $500.

John and S. P. Tacoma, dwelling, 1121 Churchman $2,100. Real Estate Transfers. Josephine Fuerst to Emil Kernel, one-quarter interest lot 18, Hubbard's 8.

Meridian st. addition, 31.5x 112 feet. improved, west side Dug. south of Adler 1,200 00 dale Solomon B. Bush to Fred Stilz et lots 16, 17, 18, block 17.

Sangster et Al's addition, 41.2*129.6 feet each, vacant, west side Caroline south of Twenty-seventh 1 00 Alvin G. Beard to same, same, lot 16 1.00 .00 Elward S. Reese to Louise R. Craig. half interest lot Bruce's addition, 56x182 feet, vacant.

west side Park south of Twenty-fifth st. 1 00 Ivan F. Watson to Charles A. Wise, block 13, North Indianapolis, 11. feet, Improved, south side 30x125.9 Twenty-ninth st east of Barnes 1,800 00 avenue Esta F.

Culbertson to Hale Harmon Jot 26, West Park addition, 38x135 feet, Improved, east side north of Washington st. 2,100 00 man Arthur V. Brown to Lambert Hamant, lot 211. Rosemont addition. 35x137.5 feet.

vacant. east side Holmes south of Bertha st. 250 Same to Daniel W. Sachs et Jot Brown's Brookside Park addition, 40x120 feet, vacant, west side Ewing north of Eleventh st. 250 00 Charles E.

Gurles to Ezra H. Stewart, lot 30, Johnson's second West Indianapolis addition, 36x133 feet. 1m- proved, west side Lee south of Miller st. 1,050 00 Arthur W. Cobb to Lola E.

Crist, lot block 13, North Indianapolis, 30x125.9 feet, improved, northeast corner Barnes ave. and Rader 2.000 00 Clyde Hoffman, commissioner, James T. Woolen, lot 15, block same, 30x125 feet, improved, south side Thirtieth east of Elmira 1,500.00 James T. Woolen to Sallie C. J.

Smith, same 2,000.00 Martha M. Davidson to Tyler F. Taylor, lot. 10, binek 30, same addition. 30x125.9 feet.

improved, south side west of Annette 200 00 Roache Mendenhall et al. to William Pearson M. Young, lots 35, 37 and 38, Hazelhurst addition, 106x feet, vacant. west side Hazel north of Belt. Mary E.

Wilson al. to Eugene Weather et lot 62, King's subdivision. Bryan's addition, 47x130 feet, vacant, northwest corner Pratt st. and Hamilton ave. 760.00 00 Central Trust Company, trustee, to Rosa A.

Spelz. lot 297, Lenox Place addition, 36x136.5 feet, vacant. west side Olney south of Twentyeighth st. 125 00 Same to Katherine B. Jennings, lot 107.

block 2, North Brookside Park addition, 40x135 feet, vacant, west side Houston north of Twentieth street 375:00 Frank W. Keller to Minerva C. Kemper. lot 377, West Park addition, 137 feet, improved, east side Laura north of New York st. 1,600 00 William L.

Elder to Lewis W. Kirtley, Jot 15, Clifton Place addition, 19x145 feet. vacant, south, side Thirty-second Elmira 350 00 Walter Hubbard to Omer Rodibaugh, lot 43, Clark et first addition. West Indianapolis. 36x136 feet, improved, west side Arbor north of Oliver 2.500 00 Caroline M.

Willians to Della WilHams, lot 264, Brown's southeast addition, 40x136.72 feet, vacant, east side Calvin north of Reformers street 150 '00 Lorenzo D. Polley to Virgil Humphrey, lot 27, Hogshire et Pleasant run addition, 33x130.6 feet, 1m- proved, cast side Nelson north of Woodlawn ave. 2,000 00 William L. Rice to Walter A. Johnson.

lot 21, Brown's. Central-avenue addition, 53.86x175.75 feet. vacaht, northwest corner Forty-ninth st. and Broadway 900.00 00 Edwin H. Avery to Woodruff Charles S.

Lockwood, lot Place, 80x170 feet. vacant, west side West Drive, north of Michigan st. 3,000 00 Francis M. Russell to Mary O' Brien, lot 64, King's subdivision Bryan's addition, 40x130 feet, vacant. west side Hamilton south of Pratt 675 00 William C.

Earles to Anna Breedlove, lot 8, Leser's first addition, West Indianapolis, 41.6x133 feet, Improved, west side Kappes south of Morris st. 1,225 00 Mary Moore to Nancy M. Kreigh, lot 3. Moore': subdivision, part Pleasant View addition, 40x163.56 feet, vacant: east side DeQuincy north of Washington st. 1,400 .00 Eva M.

McLeland to Gordon C. Dickson, lot 80, Bruce's addition, 55x182 feet. Improved, east side Park north of Twenty-fourth st. 10,000 00 James D. Wells et al.

to Charles Copeland, part southeast section 24, township 14, range 20 acres, Frankiin township 2,200 00 Same to Guy Copeland, part southwest quarter, same section. 40 4,400 00 John Murphy to Indianapolis Southeastern Traction Company, part southeast quarter section 16, township 14, range 5, Franklin township 35.00 00 Charles C. Weaver et al. to same, part lot 7. Wallace second addition, town of Acton 225 00 1 Michael O'Connell to same, part BeCtion 15, township 14, range 128 acres.

Franklin township 40.00 00 Ethel M. Cook to Jesse E. Mann part southwest quarter, section township 14, range 2. 3 acres and 69 rode. Decatur township 428.90 Robert -Martindale to Anna M.

Graila, lots 188 and 189, Jackson Park addition, 40.92x121 feet, each, vacant, west side Sheldon north of Twenty-fourth 700 00 William J. Lowry to Clarence R. Rhodes, Jot 10, square 10, BruceBaker addition, 40x140 feet. Improved, west side Yandes south of Twenty-fourth 1,300 00 St. L.

railway to Van- dalia Railroad Company, parta of section 10 and 11, township 15, range 3, Center township Carrie E. Meginnis to Samuel F. Record, lot 277. Jackson Park addition, 40.92x121 feet, Improved, east side of Sheldon north of Twenty-fourth street 800 00 Same by Sheriff to Carrie E. Meginniss, 37 96 Margaretha Kern to Edson F.

Folsom et part lot 8, Atkins et University, Place addition, feet, vacant. east of st. and south of Thirty-fourth 1.00 00 John W. Johnson to Michael Moran, lot 240. West Park addition.

38x137 feet, improved, west side Addison north of Washington 3,500 00 Mary M. Laird to Anna Mascari. lot 5. Merrill's subdivision outlot 104, 68.5x200 feet. improved, cast side Alabama south of Merrill 4,750 00 John N.

Schooler to. Samuel Horneday, lot 25, Ella Stout's addition, 38x 118 feet, Improved, west side Grof north of Twelfth st. 1,200 00 Selina Ensley to Leander Allard, lots 14 and 15, block 7. Fletcher 8 northeast addition. 80x140 feet, Improved, southeast corner Alvord and Nineteenth sta.

7,500.00 Charles W. Knoop to Anna Knoop. one-half interest, lot 36. Pettibone et al. a addition, 40x137.7 feet.

improved, east side Walcott north of New York 800.00 Jane Cooke to City of part outlot 158, one acre, vacant, southeast corner Tenth and Hiawatha sts 5,000 00 Transfers, 46; coneideration $70,540.86 Present from Poet Riley. to The Indianapolis News.1 GREENFIELD, September 27. James Whitcomb Riley yesterday presented to the Greenfield public library Hazzard's History of Henry County, in two volumes. Mr. Riley has always taken an Interest in the library, and was instrumental in its establishment a few years ago.

He often sends a volume, and with it a word to his boyhood friends in this city. INDIANAPOLIS AND VICINITY BRIEF NOTES OF THE DAY. Mrs. Lillian Miller entertained Olive Branch Rebekah Auxiliary this afternoon. She was 88- sisted by Mrs.

Belle Mitchell and Mrs. Sarah Ward. The Northeast W. C. T.

U. will meet with Miss Morris, 1714 Martindale avenue, to-morrow at 2:30 p. m. TO ESTABLISH BANANA TRAINS. At a meeting held in this city yesterday, the stockholders of the Peerless Plantation Company, which owns a banana farm in Colombia, South America, appointed a committee of five members to devise ways and means of raising $50,000 with which to liquidate existing obligations and to establish a train service at the plantation for the marketing of fruit.

It was raid that 180.000 banana trees on the plantation are new bearing but that adequate means of getting the fruit to the market are lacking. The committee is composed of Elmer Fletcher and William H. Daggett, of this city; Marion A. Lynch, of Arcadia; Otho B. Campbell and J.

E. Brown, of Marion. and Prof: F. W. Brown, of Franklin.

Of the amount to be raised, $5,400 was subscribed at the meeting. CHAUFFEUR' DISCHARGED. William T. Brown, chauffeur, was discharged in the Police Court, where he WaS tried on the charges of violating the speed ordinance and assault and battery. to-day.

Some time ago Brown's automobile struck bicycle -idden by John Billow, at Washington and East streets, and Billow was thrown to the pavement and injured about the knee. There was no evidence to support the charge that Brown was running fast. Other testlmony was to the effect that both the machine and Billow were going in the same direction, in Washington street. At East street a wagon prevented the bicycle rider from seeing the machine, and he- rode in front of It. CHARGE OF EMBEZZLEMENT.

Edward Rutledge was bound over to the grand Jury in the Police Court to-day on the charge of embezzlement. The evidence against the- defendant as submitted by W. L. Schomberg was that Rutledge collected and appropriated to his own 180 $1,412.58. Rutledge' attorney made a motion to discharge the de fendant on the ground that it was not shown that Schomberg had ever made a demand for the money, and hen the motion was overruled he declined to offer any evidence for the defense.

To his friends Rutledge said Schomberg had accepted notes for the amount. of the alleged shortage and that the whole affair was merely a business transaction. MISS MAMIE WHITE MARRIED. Prohibition leaders are worrying over the marriage of one of the prominent woman 1 workers and speakers, Miss Mamie daughter of the Rev. Levi White, pastor of the People's Congregational church.

Not that the leaders are not interested In Miss White's happiness, but they regret the loss of her services. Miss White was one of the prominent speakers for the Prohibition cause. A weel; ago, however, she was inarried to D. Leigh Colvin, of Chicago. president of the National Intercollegiate.

Association, and the couple went to New York to ta'ke post-graduate courses in Columbia University. NEW NATURALIZATION LAW. Noble C. Butler, clerk of the Federal Court in this city, has received a supply of new blanks that have been made by the new United States law In regard to naturalization, which went into effect to day. There are several new features in the law, one of which is that the, petition to become.

citizen must be posted in some conspicuous place ninety days before the final papers are granted. Another provision 19 that a hearing must be had before a Judge of the county United States Court, and another proper provides that witnesses may be summoned to appear at such hearing. FIRE IN ORIENTAL FLATS A big scare and a house full of smoke were the products of a fire this morning in the basem*nt of the Oriental flats. in Oriental street, just, north of Washington street. The blaze started in waste paper chute, and smoke poured out Into the halls on all the floors, but there was no damage.

A woman who was washing In the laundry adjoining the room in which the fire was located opened. the laundry dour to see what was wrong, and a stream of water from a line of hose in the hands of a fireman struck her and she was upset. causing her to, do a few acrobatic stunts, NEW CHURCH MEETING. The seventy-third annual meeting of the Ohio Association of the New Church began in tho New Church at 623 North Alabama street. this afternoon, with meeting of the ministers.

This evening there will be a service with a sermon by the Rev. John Ramsey Turner, of this city, who will speak on "Our Spiritual Capacity, and the Uses to Which We Should Put It." To-morrow there will be business sessions, and to-morrow night there will be a symposium on The Second Coming of Our Lord." with four papers: by leading ministers of the organization. POLITICAL COMMITTEE TO MEET. At the meeting, Mast night. of the labor committee on political ectivity, composed of one delegate from each of a number of local labor unions in the city.

it was decided that meetings hereafter shall be held each Wednesday evening in Machinists' Hall. The meeting was short and but little was done except the transaction of routine buriness. WILL GIVE TROLLEY RIDE. A trolley ride to Gymnastum Park. at Notwood, will be gigen night under the auspices of the Penny Club of the Metropolitan Baptist Church (colored) and the Boys Gymnasium Club.

A supper and other refreati ments will be furnished at the grounds. cars leave the Terminal station at 8:80. DR. HURTY'S TRAVELS. De.

J. N. Hurty, secretary of the State Board of Health, has returned from Columbia City, yesterday, he addressed the teachers In matters affecting public health. At Columbia City, yesterday, he addresed the teachers in the grade schools and the high school in the morning, the local medical society in the afternoon and gave a popular lecture in one for the churches at night, At Pert, Tuesday, ho looked Into some smallpox conditions and consulted with the local physicians concerning other local matters. WAYNE TOWNSHIP CONVENTION.

Congressman Overstreet and several candidates for county, office will attend the convention to-night of Wayne townehip Republicans Sto: be held In Library Hall, Beach. ville. Nominations will be. made for justice of the peace, constable and for membership on the township advisory, board, after which Congressman Overstreet will discuss the 15- sues. John C.

Republicati county chairman, will Delegates to the convention were selected at prims a this afternoon. CLASS ELECTS OFFICERS. The June, $07, class of M. T. I.

8. held Its first meeting for this term yesterday afternoon. The purpose was to elect officers. The contest for president was close. On the final ballot Virgil Nutt.

was one vote ahead of Arthur Bernat. The officers elected were: Prestdent, Virgil Nutt; vice-president. Gertrude Shiels: secretary, Zedn Bird: treasurer, Arthur, Berndt. The class: has not yet decided whether to publish 8.11 annual. The class color is.

emerald green. STATE TAKES APPEAL An to the Supreme Court has been taken in the name of the State from a Judgment quashing an amdavit which charged George Hazzard with the forgery of scription for a $10 history of Henry county, The publishers of the history have been delivering the books and collecting the price from many persona who objected to? paying, and they retallated with this prosecution. MRS. MYRON SPADES DEAL. M.

H. Spades has been called to Chicago by the sudden death of his daughter-in-law, Myron Spades. Mra. Spades leaves a little daughter, born yesterday morning. Mr.

and Spades, were married two years ago In New York, Mrs. Spades being Miss Elate Powell, of that elty. WISE TALKS BY THE OFFICE BOY you ever have a sassy kid stop you on your way home to supper and SaY to you, "Put up your dukes, Mr. Goodclothes; you've got brush coming," or "Don't hurry home so fast and I'll knock block off for you?" Some kids are mighty fresh, anyway you take 'em. suppose It's they're so new.

You couldn't expect a knickers to be as gamey as an old chap in golf pants. But speaking of blocks, take it from me, there's quite a smart change in the shapes of the new fall hats. You know the hatters have got to live, too, and the quality they are putting into their product these days makes it essential to change the styles every little while, because The When head-pieces de certainly wear a long time before they begin to show it. Crowns a little high er, brims a little more on the roll. if you'll take a tip from a kid, they've rung the bell for straws.

Straws and milk shakes and summer girls are a little passe now. You want a new outfit from the ground up. ENGRAVED Wedding Invitations ANNOUNCEMENTS AND CALLING CARDE WM. B. BURFORD 38 S.

MERIDIAN ST. INDIANAPOLIS. LAX-ETS THE BOWELS Only centa per box- Laziets, new, street, toothsome laxative for constipation, POUr stomach. bad breath, bad taste bill jousness, eto. Unless 700 tra' yon will never know ite value and only conte at druggista or by mall for three 8-0801 stamps Dr.

Shoop, Racine.

The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

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Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.