The Capital Journal from Salem, Oregon (2024)

700 Rentals 800 Krai EMate 800 Real Estate 800 Real F.Mate Capital Journal, Oct 8, 1957, Sec. 2, Page 7 Save lime Save Money For the Best Prof al Starter 104 Houses For Sole r. i-i JACOBSEN KEENE. REALTORS 800 Fral Etate 810 Forini 1 Acreogt 300 GOOD ini fcjL, LriSUU Make Life Easier Read Use Want Ads Daily! SAM) AND GRAVEL VALLEY SAND CO Crushed romd gravel sand con mix. FM 1-400J TAKK ADVANTAGK of this man hard luck 2W) arrcs rultivalesl.

ion arrp Willamplle Silt trngalft). Fine of buildings only 3 years old. has 14) q. ft. This is an excellent setup lor someone wanting to expand Price includes head stock, 2 milking machines.

No hills, no rocks. Will show without obligation. Might take some trade. Over TOO acres can be had joining this ranch CALL EM 4-6766 Kve: Ben Griffith, KM 3-413 TED MORRISON REAL ESTATE 04 Houtei For Sole TWOANDEN. Lors led cw lt St.

this clean bedroom and den home a amatl kK ideal foe a couple. Tne mterso plastered, hardwood Hoots insulated and eatherstrtpoed OFFICE PH. KM 4 2293 KiHins EM i-UM, Brifht EK YOU WILL BE PROt'D to call this home. Unexcelled for com-fortf Insulated. either-s ipped.

st or in indow ed all around I-ge liv. rm. ith fireplace, receix ton hail. 1m Iv dmette kitchen 2 bdrms A batn Single attached ga rage. Close to schools shopping CA1X E.

LAW Eve. Ph. EM 3 5113 ONLY 1 YEAR OLD Owner transferred and must sell their fine home. Best of material Uhed. Also the finest of built-in appliances Sink with duposal Dishwasher, stove A even All beautiful stainles sleel.

Oven set in used brick. Family rm. with fireplace of ued brick. 2 baths. 3 bdrms.

Dhle. ga rags. Close-in location CALL MR RICHARDSON" Eve. Ph. EM 4 ftfl.

REALTORS PH. KM 2-2471 I ACRES TO TRADE, Located by Brownsvtil. 3 bedrooms, clean sdeal country home lilt I acres fcn Caneberrtes. 'i A. strawberries, nuts and fruit.

Price til. CM). Trad for house In Salem to Vf.vo. 1255 STATE ST. Ivt.

Jacobs EM 4-sviJt. -SM. Keen FM J-07 CLOSE TO COURT HOUSE-J bdrm. home in C-3 Good for vfirtetv of business uses Price $21 0O0 CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY Eve. Ph.

EM 3 WU5. 32 ACRE RANCH $ASO0 Clean 3 bdrm. home. 30 40 barn. 15 acres cultivated.

Poultry house Also, 4 mom home that could be rented. Located close to Mill City on paved htpfmav CALL O- HUM'S Eve Ph. EM 2 520. BUSINESS BLDG. CORVAL-L1S Finest of locations, modern type construction, excellent front.

50 100 ie Downtown, mam arterial location FOR DETAILS CALL L. GRAREHORST GRABENH0RST 180 S. LIBERTY ST. mm i Avw LI ISTED BY WANT SOUTH? New 3 bedroom home lust completed Dining room plus eating apace in kitchen, fiirch woodwork, l'j baths. Double garage.

$12,750. ACRE EAST Haa a modern 3 bedroom yr. old home Extra Urge living room. lttide utility, I1, baths, and a heatolator fireplace It also has a Jittle barn and clurken houie. Over 1 5(K) q.

ft. in the house. Ideal for family. Total price only QUIT LOOKING This ii It! You will enioy living in this attractive I BR, House. 14 haa W.

W. carpeting, a heatolator fireplace a 30 15 L. R. Extra lai ge lot and close to a shopping center. CaU us to aee it.

Priced at $9,830. Terms. DOUBLE LOT 10 yr. old 3 bedroom home in a lovely setting of trees. Has all kinds of fruit and nuts, and is beautifully landscaped House la In excellent condition and has inside utility ana tatinf area in the kitchen.

Total Price $14,750. A C3 KM 2 8629 A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR 707- Furnished Houses 1 BEDRM. tile bath, laundry, far Inq 3845 Portland Fd 2 BDRM hse nr.

Hoover Sn gar. 3125 Jensen alter I 1 BDRM furn cottage. Holly wood Dist. EMi-IK3- PLEASANT 3 rm7Nr. Engie dist Inq.

1.110 lain 1 BDRM house, adults only EM 2-3414 2 RM. furn. garage house, waler furn adults, bo dogs, $25. EM 2 55J8 SMALL furn clean. 2 adults 102L 3rd St UNUSUAL 1 BDRM.

HSE. Attach, country living 5 mm. from Ct. Hse. EM 2-6581 1 BDRM.

Irpla. garage, all util included $iJ 0I0 S. Pacific Hwy. EM 2-6390 after 1 m. REDECORATED 1 bdrm.

house. Garage. Adults, No pets, $55 EM 4 5155. 1915 Highway Ave. I BDRM all-elec, $50 bus line, nice.

EM 4-36-48 after 3 pm. COTTAGE furn, washer, dryer. 147 N. 18th St. SMALL clean furn 1 bdrm.

hse. Aduits. EM 3-9813 eies. FURN. 2 bdrm house, oil fur-nace.

South. Ph. EM 3-7440. 1 BDRM. house.

Esquire Plata Court, eves. EM 2 2786. 709 Wanted to Rent WANTED: 1 bdrm. mod. hse.

or apt. with parking snare by single man. South. 6401 before 4 or write P.O. 108.

usinesi Rentals 20 52 BUILDING. 4907 River Rd. F.M 2-3276. LEASE or rent, 600 sq. ft.

space. 12.4 n. Liberty. DOWNTOWN office spaca for rent, em 4-6741. STORE Bld'g 32TS4 West Gate Shopping Cents-.

EM 3-7432. 780 Moving Storoge Larmer Transfer Storage Complete moving service. Also agents for Br. KINS Nation -Wide Movers. Ph.

EM 3 3131 800 Real Estate 801 Business Opportun. BUSINESS FRONTAGE NORTH RIVER RD. 107 TT. 400 FT. Has 3 bedroom home plus an unfinished one bedroom rental which they will, sell at a bargain price.

Also a email two room rental. This is potential bustnesa property. All for $12,500. Terms, 1500 bal. on contract.

Call Mr. Vic-ary. Eves. EM i I REALTY 4020 River Rd. EM 4 ISfiflH'S BEST BUUS HOME BUSINESS SITE Exceptionally clean home in food close business location.

Bdrms, frpl, Sep. DR. fc nk, wall-to-wall carpeting. oilfur-nace. fenced yard.

Fruit trees grapes. Price $10,500. Easy down payment terms. Call Bernard Stewart, eve. ph.

EM 49131. Al Isaak Realtors 322 N. Church St. Ph. EM 4-3311 or EM 3-7820 Fisherman's Paradise 4 unit Motel near Gold HU1 on Hiway 99 and Rogue River.

Will trade for Salem property or what have you? Price SIB.OOO. Call Rich L. Relmann, Eve, EM 3-32W. 105 No. High Street EM J-02O3 SELL or trade Blacksmith weld ing shop.

Low rent on Mam Hiway near Salem. Statesman-Journal Box 10. SELLING OUT Reducing etock Savings up to 20 pet. Ann's Market Brooks, Ore. OPPORTirNITY beyond cornp if qualified.

Ph. EM 4-818L 803 Suburban ACREAGE 5 ml. N.E. Attractive 3 ranch type home, barn, horse stalls. EM 2-2782.

HEY Look J4.950. $350 down, 1 acre, sm. 2 bdrm. nam, chicken hse. 2 mach.

fruit, Swegle Sch'l 2 blk. 1m-med. possession. Drive by 1855 Birrhwood then call, EM 3-7731 it interested. 806 Houses For Sale 3 BEDRM.

SUBURBAN CLOSE IN very neat older home, lg. rooms, acre good garden soil. tree, shrubs, email barn, paed st. Geo. Walters.

Realtor. fiSO S. Com'l, EM 2-6714 or EM 4-63K5. OWNER WANTS TO LEAVE has lowered price to onlv $2:0 for thia well built 2 bedroom home with, attached garage and large utility room, lively covered patio and 20 30 detached shop suitable for almost any kind of mechanical work. One full aized EXTRA SALABLE lot all on paved treeU and only 2 block from 4 Corners School.

Can 'be bought on F.H.A. terms with low down payment. Really a steal. Call Jim Smith, riavs EM 4-6875, Eves. EM 4-7879.

605 Chemeketa St. EM 4-6875 Inrnme Plentv Your own 3 rm. apt large it cornioriante rtaimi. urnare. Rentals total $142 per month.

Near hospital. Flowers Bulbs If you art interested In making aome money and Inva flower call about this item. Lovely large home and thriving buBi-neftt. Coast Property We have aeeral cant court for ale or trade for Salem Lewis EM S-7504, Tom 191 SOUTH HIGH Fave Seal EM 4-5564, fa*gan F.M 3-0406. Will trade for 1 or 3 bdrm house.

An excellent 4 unit apt ilUUSC IU ICIItCl Ul lUWII.j all separate entrances and utilities, well income ap-prox. $340 per pavmpnt onlv $55, Call Gene Eve. EM 2- 7977. Business or Machine shop bldg Good 40x40 frame plus basem*nt. 8x12 office.

fi5xl0fl lot on Portland Rd. Owner will sell, lease or rent on good terms. Call Ron eve. EM 3- 5668. Helen BOO Rral EMale 810 "orms Acr09i ACRES PHO TU 34 ACRES Jl'ST luted Thit good Polk County property.

40edroom hrnne All land in ruluvatton Variety nt fruit. Creek. Ijrge barn. Poultry house. Some equipment $12.

WW Terma, Ram ary Realty. KM 4-3MI Sr.LL oria; 75 A.frm73 bdrm, home with mod convenience. Frpl ham out fruit trees, 1 3 In m't 13 part cleiired, It timher. Near Srh. bin, loc, near Mill Citv.

F.M 3 2M1. ACRT.S hide iite. South view. It. S30.

Terms. EM 4-tmi 812 Exch. Rtol Estt TRADE 2 A. farm nr. Grand Ronde, for housa sm.

acre- aire nr. Salem. Apt. Mi Kerry mornings. U.0 Automotive 852 Utd Can For Sal 1950 Ford Clb.

Cpe. 52 FORD BRA hlork. bored over stork. 267 cu. tn bal-anrert and lightened con rods, ported, relieved and polished.

Sil-OLHe 3 rinj( aluminum raring piatnna. Iskcnderian full rare cam with adjustable tap-pels Lincoln Zephvr valve springs. We rant affrtrd fn on but come tn and abnut this tar. Again we bring; you the fmeit. Capitol Chevrolet I'nlon 4k Com'l EM 3 3175 WANT a tn car? '41 Chev club cpe.

Very sood mechanical cood. 1100. EM Mill eves PONTIAC, 4 dr Exci. cond. Clean.

EM 51 JEEP 4 wheel drive. Cood rond KM 1-S125. VlMODEL-Acpe. IKL EM 1 2141. BODY MAN'S SPECIAL 57 Ford Fairlane irear dam-aae.) 19J Ford pickup, drive-ahle 1.1M Broadway, EM S-92H, llEORD VirtwssrTdra7 below rnarket price, Call EM 4 tsSll afterJ CHEV.

Sport cpe. low miii axe. jet black, all extras, lake trade-in, or small trailer hse. Alter i m.EM 4-1557. 8.1 CADILLAC coupDeVtlle, full power, excellent condition.

EM 4-52H2. 1955 IMPERIAL 4 has every thing, very clean, low mtieag Pioneer Trust. KM J-3134I, '57 KARMEN CH1A. Low mlle- aiie. like new, EM 3 62 'S3 DO DOE CORONET, 4 dr evromatlc VI.

exr. cond. estss. EM J-1772. 3515 Bonham St.

'4fl PLY-Panel with '4 motor. EM 4-103S eves. 54 BUICK Roadrnaster. exc. cond power steering.

seat, tsindows, 12495 will trad equity. EM HEM. "PONTIAC, 'good shape t0) Will trade 4 help finance. t.M 4 after m. 55 NASH Bambler wagon.

Ex cel, cood. New tires. Ca or eves. EM i 4737. 57 CHEV.

sport c'p. Sell or trade. EM 1955 Ford Victoria Radio, healer, backup luea. window washer. undercfatei white walls, rear seat Speaker, Ivory Rose, like Hew in every respect.

Capital Chevrolet Union A Com'l. F.M 3-3175 '56 Super 4 DR. Hardtop a perfect car In everv respect has sparkling tri-tnne biark while linmh, power brake power ateer pig radio, healer, dynafiow. glaa, this car has only 14,81 one owner mites, we sold new service rerord available, see this wonderful car, iuii prK- $zmy WILSON'S Chemeketa at Com EM 4 5711 5rORDV-8PantrSdn. LoVd-ed.

A-I cond. throne hout. Sacrifice II 1W. EM 4 3flL 6 9pm. '4S "CH F.

vrCood cond 1 S. Apt. 3 '4fl DODGE Cpe radio, healer. Very good 75. EM 4 0C19 after 52 Merc.

Hardlop. radio, heater overdrive Excel, cond. $725. EM rSSSJ. DOIKJE Sport Coupe-Vic-lor all originalruns perfectly all new tires.

Call Mel Em 4 ii'xw Also a nue Bl'CK BOA RD. Will sell cheap Rea son for selling we don't have room to keep '56 Ford Victoria FAIRLANE HARDTOP I TOOK this ehfjnv hlack and t-olonil uhi'e lieutv in r.n a re '57 f'OHD It has all the vtras" including radm heater, and Eordomanc for a nice car and a lop oal call me MARTY BOESC'H. EM 3314 idlr.l 853 Auto Parts A Repairs Overhaul, tsorst fuar-anteed. prices r'a, EM 2-riftli4 354 TruckiTrrail. for tale I '43 DODGE 'i T.

1 speed pick-; up, IV! ash KM 2 W7T i SALE. or trade camping util. trailer cmihinatlnn. 4 I HI'N'I'f K'S SPECIAL' 'Stl Chev. I half pickup.

4 spd trans. i nn rwinpv I ISO. 2 I'itl. TANDEM trailer 7 Wis lues Will trarie fur laic iiH.ilrl pli ktui vtth Gei.rer. 1.1 Hi Aloanv.

Ph. TL 3 S722 eves NF.W t'te tandcm-diiall tear. 15' bed, I aitiirke. ist on cnnsiructmn 2 r''7 a'ter 7 1 I WH LEI Irmler rond Make clfrr ISsIl Waller SA( Biricr," 4 heel drive 806 Houmi For Salt THE OLD M1XL STREAM HAVE ONE here in aa'em you know- And it flnv in curve, njrrtt around this tidy ctorual ftornt tV tin Kut 'xee and all, tt makes quite a picturesque swttini to tee If you enjoy the finer Uiinis vou Ul appreciate the interior orkmansntp and the overall atmosphere of this home. Vr mvita our inspection.

CALL KM 4-676 Eve: Mra. Stephenwm EM 4 SMS Ted Morrison, Realtor Walt Jonea Ted Mormon 2fiO HIGH PHONE EM 4 Roy Todd Realtor 73 ACRES. All cultivated, Willamette cilt soil. iQ.5o0 down. Good location.

10 mi. E. on paved rd. good Irrigation possibilities. 3 bdrm.

home, good chick, hse. machine shed Widow, will take trade north or northeast. Full price $.15 Boo Call Mr. Beer, eve. EM 3 LOW DOWN PAYMENT.

Lge. lot on paved st. bus close by. Plastered house with hv. dm.

kitchen, 1 bdrm. or could be 2 bdrma. Nice garage with aluminum door. Owner wil take car as part dn. pa v.

mt. Fuit price terms, or less for cash Would rent for $M) mo. Call Mrs. Graham, eve. EM 4-474.

COUNTRY HOME, near Salem. 16 A. of the best location for land view property. 12 mi. south on old 99 hiuav.

3 bdrm. house, barn, etc. Fenced crossed ienced, most of fence is steel posts, beautiful trees around hse. barn, a regular little park around the he Farm a It tractor equipment go. Owner will take good house in trade Call Mr.

Hicka, eve. EM 4-4930. EXCELLENT FAMILY HOME 2 bdrma. 2 bath up. 2 bdrma.

full bath lge. hv. fireplace, dm. area, beautiful playroom in basmt Also 1 bdrm. furn.

cottage on back of lot. rents for $40. Be aure St see this home Onlv $14,500 Low dn. paymt. will buy.

Consider trade for Portland property. Call Mr. Van-Meter, eve. t.M 4-9500. 2319 State St.

Ofc. Ph. EM 2 RSi, IE Older 2 bedroom home, located onlv 1 hlork from Tenter St "SAFEWAY STORE." extra good Bus, School, and Shop. una; lar-uiues. rrlcea at unlv 7000 with Terms.

Call Lloyd ilee. Eve. phone EM 3 89. "THE HOMESELLERS" C. D.

McCARGAR. REALTOR 70S N. High St. EM 4-4441 AN ESTATE Partly furnished Very neat 2 bdrm. home.

Pecan Ven. blinds; Lg. picture windows. Electric heat. Attached garage, family frt.

Well land-caped. Ideal for couple or widow. Price only $9,500. Located North. For particulars call EM Eve: Phone Ed Schreder F.M 3-7825, J.

F. Short EM 4-1667, Kelly Owens EM 3-6954. Oregon Development Company (Realtors) 318 Church St. N.E. EM 2 BDRM.

house, close to schools, patio, elec. heat. Reasonablv priced. Bv Owner. EM TRADE RD 8 tractor with blade rooter and drum In food condition.

Trade for 2 or 3 bdrm. house or am. acreage. Call Lucas Eve. EM 3-8388.

105No.JHlfrhStreet EM 3-P203 $275 DOWN, neat jr. j'bdrm! home. EM 4-37M. NEW 2560 F.rigewood, exc. $11,900.

EM 2-7520 OWNER transferredF.n)Elewood dist. i basmt. EM 4M.11. BY OWNER: 2 Bedrm home Ennlewood Dist. EM 2-749H BY BUILDER New 3 bedrm.

guaranteed home. Choice location. Sell or trade. Ph. EM 2-7071.

2 BDRM. unfinished 3rd 13.650. Low dn. pm't EM 3-8010 BY OW'ER. 3 bdrm.

attch. workshop, patio, fenced back yd.964Edina AveEM 2S072. ONMill Creekl bdrm.7Guest rm. over jzarage beautiful EM eves. must seQTjmmedTately- BY OWNER Immaculate 2 bdrm.

home, carpeted. So. Low dn. pym't. EM 2 7071.

HOUSES for sallo movetT F.M 2-4513. KNT.LKWOOD DIST. 1 OF THE Best 2 bdrm. homes in Salem. lJirge 2-car 2 baths, lale built.

Immed. possession. EM 3-939 SM. 2 bdrm. house, jar J4.000.

EM 2-6172 or F.M 4-3112. OWNER transferred" lvr. oM 3 bdrm. split level. 1 2 3 bath, dble.

garage, cedar paneled liv. beautiful lot ith oak trees, fll SK. EM 4 vni'i, COLONIAL house for sale br owner, 3 hdtms. llv baths spacious livm room with fireplace, dinitia rm. nmilt Walnut Creek area.

F.nglewood school district, dead-end St 12 750. KM 52N. 23td Keizer Drive By (4769 Thorman Ave.) Only dn. buvs tins dandv 2 bdrm. home.

Altractue fenced ard. Oodles nf shrubs and flowers Plastered Hdwd firs Lae kitrh. Dineite. Separate utility rm. Vacant.

FHA loan available. Mo pvinl only incl. taxes sV ins. reserves Call Johnson. Eve.

F.M 3 105 No. High Street F.M 3-an3 NOUSTRIAL SHE Appr-'iv imaietv 2 aci on paved lrert i ilh a good 10 old hone Jocfl)f(J tii niis i which inuirj he uied for an of-fti Bld(( leaving eniy of room for Rutin. Hkig and pwiking Thu prnpftv i lo-'ttd i' lone in lut off Mimn to iett only $llfK0 Call Foulk "THE HOMESELLERS" T). McCARGAR. REALTOR 702 M'gn MR "OWNER1 Glm tpav toit prir vfiir turn it appliances.

EM 6110. Redecorated, beautiful 4 bdrm. home-with full basem*nt, fireplace, detached garage, cloae in on paved street, near schools and shopping. Reduced to $9150. If vou need 4 bdrm.

this in H. Vacant, move in now. Will show anvtime. Call Bill eve. EM 4-7418.

I have several good small sere-ages with i or 3 bdrm. borne. I consider them well priced and in good locations. Please call me for an appointment. Ask for Red, eve.

EM 3 6523. PH. EM 4-6871 YOU'RE IHE GUY WE SATISFY '55 Rambler $1295 rtr rdm. heater, tuiras paint. hi miles per gal only 23 ano miles.

It real aharp '53 Plym Surb. $995 fttatinn Wfrt. heater, tinted Hy-Drtxe. kiw mite e. rreen learher in tenor, A I cvlitno.

'52 Pontiac $895 Hardtop cpe radio, heater, hvdra. all leather tntermr, tu Vine pamt, a really nic running rar. '50 Chev Bel-Air $595 Cpe radio, heater, at4. traoa new mntor, Ui-trnt patnt, dual ptpe, A cndl tinn. REMEMBER! If lt' From Loder'i IT'S GOOD LODER BROS.

CO. Your Quality Olds Dealer 41 No. Hirh ESI I Tt EDSEL Green Light Used Cars 1956 Dode Sierra 4 dr. STATION WAGON Local one owner, two taasj green, push hutton Jus new condition with many factory extras This Week's Special Sales Pric $2395' EDSEL Agnew Motor's Inc 415 No. Com'l.

KM Ml IT finance no down payment on approved credit Hon. Paymt. '54 rofrfjc 4 dr MS II radio heater '52 Poni. Stat, Wagn. MS 83 pass, radio heater 'S3 Pontiac, sedan I41.M radio heater '52 Buick 2 dr $J4 radio It heater '51 Pontiac sedan radio, heater, hydra '51 Mercury sedan radio, heater, Overdrtve '51 Chevrolet win radio si heater '51 Pontiac clb.

cpe. .123.31 radio heater 51 IMSoto sedan $1771 radio, heater, auto, trans. Open Fri. 'Til 9 p.m. Taggesell PONTIAC CO.

0 NO. LIBERTY EM. 2-411J 862 Hout Troiltr 25 1 a r-y built. Tandtnt wheels, sleeps four. All Wood paneied interior.

Completely furnished. Older model tn good condition. full price. Call Al Aian. davs EM 4 sTS, Eves.

EM 2 (112. OS Chemejieta St EM 4-M7I BETTER than newl '34 VUung 40' 2 hdrm. trl. auto, oa furnace, full length awntng, leveling jacks, exc. cond priced reas.

EM 2 9748 alter VACATION sue trailer houses for sale or rent. Earl Malm Trailer Sales 4030 SUverto. Bd.EM 4-7127. SALE OR TRADE Will consider amall taouse trailer in on new 45 ft. '57 ModeL Ann's Market, Brooki.

Ore, Ron's Trailer Sao3 New '58 MODELS ft 1ft ft. Wide THE all nev Ventoura. the Fahulous new s'en up front kitchen HOMETTE New Town fe Country, Soonrr, Terrv, Billmore. AI I. SIZE AT NEW LOW PRICES Witt.

TRADE FOR ANYTHING THAT WOVTS. 5 YRS. TO PAY OPEN 7 DAYS A WEF.K -9 P.M. DOWNTOWN Salem across from Mner fc Frank's 404 N. Chunh EM 1M0I WILL lake late model li to trailer house ssith bath aa down pamt.

on new 3 bdrm. hon EM 44112. I'i7 SH AST vacation tiallera fur rent EM 4 SU7 I TRAILER TOWING i Ore Wash. Olif. ISVHAWK TRAILER CONVOY J4 Prtland Rd EM W.14 864 Heavy Equipment TRADE eautlv in 57 bdrm.

I irU he 'or euitv ta 1 it.iusC. CM 03S3 after I 1. 100 1) DING MACHIN T. Buy as you rent! All makes Rnen-1'ynewriteri. 4i Court EM 3 6771 ANT1QCE EXPERT Expert restoration of all types oi antiques.

Furniture 4' old clocks our specialty. TRmity Silverton APPLLNCER AIR Electric: Gas Gas Engine prompt Serv. Call fir It Shoos West Gate Center EM 4fi.H4 Ulst 57'H BIM.nOZING Bu'ldwing, clearing. road pond. 4.

D-S Carrva.ll. Ph. EM 3146 JNTRACTORS B-j'ldmgs raised 4 leveled barns, garages, warehouses, new or repaired, rootf rrs, metal or wood Foundations cement or block. Free termite drv rot inspection Ed Fdmond. EM i Km.

CRANE WORK J5 ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem band Gravel, EM 2-24fil DOZING Bulldnrmg. hour. Phone EM 2-0933 or EM 4-23M. 600 Employment 608 Pickers Wonted BIG Filbert picking rlean up. We pay SOr.

per patl. Good picking Waldo Hills Orchard. 2 ml. E. of Macleay.

10 ml. E. of Salem. J'iLBERTSFirst Comp. Jr.

crop down for 1 picking. Clean orchard, start Wed Oct. 9 MacCarthy Farms. 9 mi. S.

of Salem on River Rd. 1'2 mi. E. of Independence. Phones.

Salem EM 2-3127 or Independence 380 W. WANTED. Filbert pickers, Ml. north Clearlake Store. G.

L. Cofwell. EM FILBERT Pickers 3c. alb. with Bonus if stay thru 2nd picking, 7V5 O'Neill Rd.

2 mi. North of Keizer. 409 Commmion Work EXPERIENCED SALESMAN EXPERIENCED salesman to sell finest up-to-date home study course. Highest comniis-iion schedule in the S. to day.

Leads galore, everything furnished. Need only one top closer. Give resume of past experience and complete details of where we may con tact vou. In first letter. WTriie: Box 698 Statesman-Journal.

tv ANTED Bible sales people Protestant, catholic Ma-annic. EM 4-1285. 9 12 only. SALESMAN or Saleslady Wanted. EM 4-5223.

WAKE Xmai money easy, sell XitiM cards. It's fun. EM 4-81M. ATTENTION Women: Would you like to earn 35 to 150 month part time, work, no selling experience necessary. EM 4-7397.

610 Solet Help Wonted EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY Salesman, needed for Salem ter ritory to sell all-electric "THERMO-FAX" copvina; machine produced by Minnesota Mining Mfg. Co. Distributed by local dealer. Beginning on salary then to commission basis, 1R22 State St. EM 4-9524.

MEMORIAL CoimsVior We tram you. Restlawn Memory Gardens. Offices, 677 N. Cottage, Salem. EM 4-4B23.

TELEPHONE Solicitor to work in own Home Hourly wage. Write Box 11, Statesman-Journal. EXPERIENCED Appliance Salesman for Maytag. West-lnghouse, Frigidaire Sales. Apply Hogg 260 State St.

ino WEEKLY guar, to start. Fuller Brush Co. EM 3-S357. Experience Unnecessary TRAINING on the job. We will interview men In this area regarding a very fine sales position.

No Saturday or Sunday work home each week end. Your earnings will run front $350 to $550 per month net. Salary and expense allowance begin immediately with full training. If interested, write to District Manager, 4313 -N-Kirby, Portland, Oregon. Indicate your age, addresa and phone number.

612 Work Wanted, Men CLERK Office Warehouse Inventory, gen. records 4 reports. 4 5854. AINT ING Paperhanging. Call EM 3-0594 after 5 p.m.

KM 4 PLOWING DISCING PAINTING Int. Cheap prices. Clean. Basmt water proofed painted. 30 vrs.

in Slem.EM3-7552. WANT-hghTTiauling with 't ton rkup. EM 2-130 ROTO VATING LAWN WORK 2-0769 or KM 3-0363 PATNTTNG, waterproofing, de-oi paper-hanging. Free est. terms.

Nelson. EMJI-MM. CAUDLETREETopping, removal, weed spraying. EM 4-1461, ENGINE overhaul, all work guaranteed. Rcas.

EM 2-8804. LOU'S tree service, removal, topping, prune. EM 4-8501. EMALL carpenter jobs, good work, rets. EM 4-1424.

PAINTING Real. Very CleanEM 6630. ROTO VATING, plowing, mowing 3995 McCain, EM 2 6682, HEP AIR. remodel, paint. Cab-met wk.

EM CARPENTER work 4 painting New or repair. EM2 1842. BUILDING Remodeling. Roofing. EM CEMENT Finishing Anv kind.

EM eves after 6 30 PAINTING" Homes, dirt cheap prices, 30 yra. in Salem, EM 3 7552. 614 Work Wonted, Lody FART lime work ra'e clerk ing. laundry exp. EM 4 0126 Ironing in mv home.

EM 4-4C94 WANT to do housekeeping nr elderly person. EM 4 64.19, FM 3-6239, SIMPLKrtre5slliaking, reus. Call f.M Will, do tvpinf my hmie EM 3 2881. "Howards Mystic Be Weavers Summer. 2 3406 IRONING tl hr! MormngMde rii-t.

EM4 B4R.I fRONING In my homa, .15 Liberty EM ili fBX' OPFRATOft. practical nurse Ref, furnished. EM 3 I. MS. TO PLACE AD PHONE EM 4-i'Sll $10,000 $15,000 H.OO COVERING NORRIS WALKER Paint Co Flor.r-rovering Div.

Quality installation, earet As-phaii A- Runner Wij tie Frre Estimates. EM 4 2279. GRADING DOZING Bulldonng leveling-clearmg. n2 8ii. ean Robinson Bulldnrmg, f.cvnirttimrt.

1. r.M 471517 HEATINf OIL BURNER SERVICE EM 3-1501. Ecp oil furnace servicing D. PAINTING PAPER BANGING Painting 4 Paoerhaneir-r-Free ROTO-VATrNG ROTO-VATINC pardon liwm neio worn vi z-tni. SAND 4 GRAVEL ALLING SA NT) AND GRAVEL I 1625 McGilchrist quarry rocks and grav.

el. All size for roads, drlve- svt and parking lots READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull dozing, shovel I and drag-line work. EM 3-9249. 600 Employment 614 Work Wonted, Lody WANTED: Ironing 90c. hr.

Pies 4 cakes made to order. EM WILL do ironing ltj my home, Hollywood Dist. EM 2 3538. 615 Child Care State Lie, Child Care Center. "WEE FOLKS HAVEN" 1164 S.

12th EM 2-5836 615-A Babysitting BABY anting, excel, references day or night. EM BABYSITTING, mv home, reasonable rates. Ph. EM 4-8240. CHILD care, anv age, my home exp.

EM 2-1301. WARM play room, fenced yd. supervised plav. dav or hr. 2 4 3 yrs.

pref. EM 4 5508. HILD care my home, play equip close supervision, fenced yd. 1055 Electric. EM 4-3703.

RELIABLE Baby sitter by hr. day or nite, my home. EM 3 8856. 618 Education KEIZER Kindergarten. For in-for ph.

EM 4-8046 or EM 4 8384. KINDERGARTEN, 3 days wk. Enrollment open. EM 3-9789. S20 Day ond Contract 1i.

i yd- shovel crane hoe org line 25-ton mobile cranes 4 D-7 cats carry all clearing blade. Rental contract or unit prices. SALEM SAND GRAVEL 1405 N. Front St. EM 2 2461 700 Rental.

702 Sleep. Roomi, Boord ROOM with priv. bath, gentleman. EM 3-4791. LG.

front room, nicely close in. 539 N. Winter. CLOSE, nice clean bsm'L rm. $23 50.

658 Center. HOME away from home, men, packed lunch. T.V. 1095 N. 5th.

CLEAN warm TV. close In 215 Winter. EM 1-1721 ROOM Board for elderly ladies. EM 3-1582. 415 Market.

MAN'S slpg. rm. pvt. ent. TV, EM 4-6134, 1505 N.

Capitol. BOARD 4 room, men. 1290 Che-meketa St. 705 Apartments for Rent EXCEPTIONALLY lovely comfortable roomy 1 or 2 bdrm. unfurn.

apt. Heat furn. close in adults. EM 3-8066 or Box 6 Statesman-Journal. CLEAN furn.

I rm. Apt. Ferry St. 633 FURN. bachelor Apt.

35. 1123 Cross St. ROOMS, bath, eight blocks South Bush's Bank. EM 3-5647. NEAR Capital furn.

3 rms. bath. 3.10 S. 14th. EM 4-7149.

Bachelor Apt. Util. pd EM 2-3727. furn. water 4 garbage, l-ttlAdults EM 3-5367 AMBASSADOR Nicely furn.

Apts. 550 N. Summer KM 2 9206 CLEAN, warm, close in 1 rm. apt. for Lady 645 Ferry.

SMALlTciean furn apt $.15 841 LibertyEM 2-2850, EM 3-3000 FURN, lg. 4 cheery, l' bdrms near $55 348 N. St. CLEAN 2 At 3 rm. furn.

apts. 1935 Center. EM 3-8U4. DESIRABLE furn. apt.

Hollv-wood dist. Heat hot water furn. EM 4 M66. NEWLY finished -apt. Nirelv furn.

Forest Lane Motel. 5520 Portia nd rnflRM. furn. Apt. $40.

gentlemen pref. 1370 Chemeketa. theTcentury NEW Luxurious Salem's finest. 2 Bedrm. Apts.

1961 Center St. Apt. 104. EM 2-7909. FURN.

spt. for rent. West Salem, bus line, util. $45 mo. EM 4-5072.

FURN. 2 rooms, prlv. bath. util. paid.

$10. wk. 125S. 13. CYPRESS COURT.

EM 4 6690, 1 bdrm. unlurn. spt. wi. clove to Sr.

4 Jr. High School. EM XC F. PT I NALLY niceT" bd 7m. furn.

apt. Gar. Lge laundrv. TV, West Salem. EM 3 8.147 FURN 2 priv, entrance.

Adults. 771 S. 21st. EM 3 8.158 3 ROOM mod, apt, nicely furn. EM 3-714(1 nr f.M 3 6444.

allTtil. lncl. rm funv $10 1599 State. 3 RM. furn.

ant. for elderly lady, 841 N. Cottage RACHEI.OR Apt turn. priv. ent.

4 hath. r.M Jiti9 LDG. 2 Bdrm. unfurn. Apts.

Cl.iMt In. EM4B227. FURN. apts. inc.

$28 4 $40. F.M 2-B2H. NKW'LY painted, gr. $16. 1988 tl.

ComJ. 3 HM furn all util pd! 597 N. Lltiertv. EM 3 7(195 3 RM 4 halli. nice furn eier heat MUI N.

jlli KM 2 4HIB 2 RMS futn i.i iv. biith. ei'l UHI 18211 Ferry. 4 8ri, 3 RM turn, Util $15. 3.5 14KM 2-11456 SMALL 1 Vm, lurn.

apt ground fir, newlv de'iraled Priv, bmh 4 entr '0 irc utilities. 2 blks MA FM 2 n'RN. unfurn. nr. S'ate bldgs.

290 S. HthF.M 2-5SU VFRY rice, close m. apt. Ph. after m.

FM 3 141 STATE- ST "util. furn-3 rms Af priv, bath, NR Sf 'HS, 2 bdrm. unfrn7 Keller Dut. EM 4-S197. I I REALTOR Top aoil.

gravel fill material Keller Kind Gravel Co. EM MKS SALEM SAND A GRAVEL CO Ready mix concrete, crushed round sand top ecu 140J Front EM 12m ROOK REPAIR ROOF repair 4 eaves troughs cleaned. EM 3-4S23 SEPTIC "SERVICE ACE SEPTIC Service. Clean, impair, derootuig EM 4-5111. sSlKE'S Seotir service Tank-i cleaned rootet cleani sew ers, drains.

Phone EM 1-9468. ritnl HOWARDS Roto-Rooter sewers, sepiic tanks cleaned EM J-5327 SH A fc INC. aSE PAIRING Ed's Mobl. sharpening service FM l-OW. Pinking shears.

TOOlTr PAIRS Electric: Pneumatic Hvdraulic Fix-It EM 44)544. I PHOLSTERING Professional upholstering reas. Free est. pick-up 4 deliver. Guaranteed work.

f.M 2-4290. r00 RentaU 705 Apirtmentj for Rent NEWLY dec 123 rm. ants. I'lil incl. EM 4-1855 or EM 2 7490, deVereaux APTS.

Nice puilman. furn. new redec. 1488 State. EM 2-2534.

UPSTAIRS 2 rm. furn. apt. 1620 Ferrv St. lights 4 water furn.

$25 EM 2-3101 or EM 3 9532. FURN. court-apts. $40 $47! Clean, close in. EM 4-5442, EM 2-0817.

2 RM. furn. apt. bath, automatic washer $.16 B. M.

Ma-aon. Rltr. Ph. EM 3-8841, EM 4-4020. 2 RM.

furn. apt-Priv. bath 4 entrance. $.15. 1191 7th.

BLOCK from M4F. Nice clean 1st fir. 1 rm. kitchenette. 658 Center.

740 UNIVERSITY Nice gr. fir. 3 rm. Apt. EM 3-4801.

rBF.DRM-furn.-! Aptrat772 N. Winter $45 mo. EM 3-3136 2-3 RM. furn. all util.

pd. $40, $50. EM 2-7076. 365 S. 16th.

LG. Turn. apt. S25 N. Winter! EM 4-0887.

FURN. 3 rms. 4 bath. TV ant. 1207 S.

Com'l. EM IMMACULATELY clean, quiet 1 bdrm. furn. apt. Laundrv, ga- rljg- TV.

W. Salem EM MAIN floor 3 rm. furn. apt. 855 Oak St.

3 RMS. furn. prlv. bath, near State Bldg. 940 Mill St.

BUSINESS dist. 2 rm, furn. apt. Gentleman. 255 Center.

CLOSE to State furn. 2 bdrm. apt. 1232 Center. BEDROOM new duplex $75 and $85.

Ramsey 4-3381. 1 RM. FURN. apt $27.50. 152 S.

Church. 2 BDRM. furn. flat, close location. $50.

B. M. Mason, Rltr. Ph. EM 3-8841, EM 4-9059.

706 Duplexes LGE. Furn. 2 bdrm. close to Hospitals. 2-ma.

2 BEDRM. firepl. 474 S. winter. a-zvia.

1 BDRM. Duplex, well furn. cpl. only KM 2-0827. 2 BDRM.

ground fir unlurn apt 660 Ferry. 3-62a even. 2 BDRM. almost new, all elec. hdwd.

no yd. wk. Adults, no pets or drinkers. 1460 Trade. KEIZER dist.

Small 1 bdrm. duplex partly all elec. on bus line. Close to business dist. No yard work.

Suitable for 1 person or couple. $.15 per month. Ph. EM 3-9994 720 Chcmawa Rd. REDEC.

clean, mod. furn. electrically heated, 1 pvt. garage, plenty of storage, util. rm.

Adults only, ref. required. EM 4-5194. 707 Houses for Rent CLEAN 2 bdrm. sawdust furnace, nr.

sen, bus. $50. EM 2-0380. L'NFURN. 1 bdrm.

house on bus line North. EM 2-9850. 2 BDRM. all elect. Adults only EM 3-4258 eves.

2 BEDRM. range wired lor dryer. Antenna $0. 639 Jason St. EM 2-2707.

1 BDRM. with range, refrig washer, $60. 632 Colterlin. EM 2-2707. 2 gar.

oil circ. lurnace, close to senis. $3. 675 N. 18th EM 4-8768.

1 BDRM. house, oilstove 4 gas range, 1038 3rd W. Sale EM 2 VERY nice redecorated houses 1 bdrm. $40. 2 bdrm.

$65. Sub. 4 rarjpe, water furiy EM 2-964. ATTR. 2 bdrm.

with den. close to 4 Corners sch. Fenced yard $80. EM 4-3220. MOD.

2 bdrm. unfurn. hse. in Kciwr dist. $72 50 pr.

mo. EM 3-3424 or EM 3-6196J 1 Bdrm. duplex $60 2 Bdrm. furn. duplex $t5 1 Bdrm.

furn. Apt. $55 4 Bdrm. home, heat Incl. $100 Ph.

F.M 2-6286. F. L. Knapp. broker.

CLEAN N.E. 3 elec. heat thruout, wired for range 4dryer, $65. EM 3-0064. NICE, clean 1 bdrm.

$45. Inq. 1598 S. I 2 BDRM. hse partly carpeted.

2 BDRMS. near St. Vincents 2290 Fairgrounds Rd. EM 3 8511. FOR RENT: small hse gar.

A nice yd. Nr. Shop, dist, on S. Com'l. bus line.

Desirable neighborhood. EM 3-3116 or F.M 2-0120. COZY little cottage. 4'j rms. 4 baih, just redec.

s. sun. 4-8535, Mori. EM 4-8028 NF. small house.

$42 50. EM 3-5625. 4.135 Sunnvview. SOUTH, close in. 3 rms.

range, $.12 50. EM 3-Wifi8. l-RDRM. In range A ref7ig Inn. Archers.

18.15 Ie, $.19 50. EM 4-1125 after p.m. l-RDRMfc oil circulator, elec. range, close to state bldgs. A ur.iv,, bus by door Furn or unfurn.

M4-07ni CI, FAN 2-bdrm. home north Gai adults, m. pets. Ref. EM 4-5'55.

1915 Hlway Ave. lvr Icaie" 3579 Hollywood Ave f.M 2 8(111 tl" YH 2 bitrni. home. I vr. Ise-e.

$7(1 mo Xah- nib So. Wired for ilnrr KM 2 H02B LIKE new. small, clean, 2 bdrm. he inside elec heat. Inulalel, alu g.trage.

$62 'Ml waler (urn 2 lH 3 FFDRM like new, alb FA. heat. $67. heier aiea. FM 3 0141 RENT Sin 2hdrm n'i-e, nr, bus.

gar. $50 F.M 2 88 4 1 PEDUM collage, hd 'd auto, heat, $40 mo. F.M 3 8471 MOflF.ffN 5 room house hsm ml furna. e. frpl $1:5 ism South High Open hnue 10 AM.

to i P.M. EM 2 8734, ait. HICH M1MATTRK RKW RANCH Relax after tsork itn vour ob bah BIFF RANCH. 13 big acres Mleallv suiixt runnuis our ssn private herd. Excel yr.

old name ith separate dm. hardwood floors, 70 ft, rased well. Close tn Fast. Will TRADF. for In town property Call DON HELLIN-GKR.

(Vflra EM 4 14. Home EM 4-0492. mm 1SO0 FAIRGROUNDS RD. SF.LF.CT vtew acreage. Now 111 mui drive.

Kasy terms. Owner EM 44M2. B06 Houses For SoU SOLD! SOLD! Property Listing Needed 134 Liberty FM 4-447S Eyes EM 2 8010, EM 2 S122. FERRIS REALTORS 6 UT ST AND I NGH OM For the riiMrtminttnf buyer who wants the beat in miter nil Morkmaruhip. ha'e a wonderful buy In i 3 bdrm.

ranch home. Trge glass roofed patio overlooks one of the moat be mi I ilul in Fine neigh-horhood. AH this for less than 14 (XX). Cdll Bon Cleary, Eves. EM 3-993B.

320 Court Ph. EM 4 44 BY Owner, bdrm. 110,000. 2120 Rerrv St. Lge.

rms. A closets. 5 hlic. from South Salem Hi. EM 41ill.


It. It dhl. sjarafe. See anvtime at 1415 Jack St. or call EM 2 09.W.

BDRM l'i baths, din. rm. Dickson's Add. So. Owner.

EM S-4RW. CUTE 2 hdrm. home. pretty yard, bi tar 100 down. EHA app.

7.15 S. 13th St. FOR SALE ONLV THE BEST nr home In Salem, with beamed ceiltnes. dishwasher, oven, ranre beautiful eabinet work, quaint pa-jer in tamiiv room. On top of a hill.

CALL KM 4-6766 Eve: Dean Klarr F.M 17090 Ted Morrison, Realtor 2 N. HICH PHONE KM 4 87fi ON THE FRINGE Or CANDA- lalaria vte have a very cheerlul 3 bdrm. home listed for Ihe first lime as, owner is transferred. The floor plan will please you as It has easy acres to bedroom area frotn kilrhert and dinmr room. City bus 2 blks.

McKuiley grade school. This 2 yr. old home has 1.KI5 square feet floor ares and priced at 114. Son which includes all drapes. Call Edith Anderson.

A NEW l.ISTINO ON A IOT in this fast devel oping F.ast Vista Street of at tractive homes. Has appealinl two-toned brick fireplace in Jiving rm. wide hall-way to Nsdrooms. open rating area off kitchen. Only 3 hlocks to Mc-Kinlev school, rlose to nty bus.

Has good Fed I. Loan at 4S ran assumed Call Dale Unburn. Eve. EM 3 2044. Nelson Nelson REALTORS l.Vifl C'nmmerrial EM 2 MSfl Citv bun ONE block.

4 bHronrr.a firepUre Ceramic tile in kitrhen If vou want (tardt-n joil and rwin for a Ipv, hick pni thin home nn a fl.WUW lot shniild fill the bill al nnl 8Vi Terms A.k lit Milo Orubb Kve KM 4 5IRJ. CLYDE PRALL RKALTOR Huh s- 4 Mif, joe" hltchison "healtor Lei us solve vour hnma neeris To buv. sell or rent rail KM 4 J74.1. 1211 Edeewater EM 4.774 So (nm'l ACRES FRUiTLAND OWNK.R want to ninv tn (own. i till Irartc fr .1 mnre bd i.itiir.s i in ini i prirrn ti veil and if vou have been ti.okinjf fr uut hud ai-rae ni better rt! Mr MGmre nd ee this Dtfbt Hat.

3 hrd torn nm a I on nne fhritr. tA.4jrnrut other buiidmf Price 1 1 1 VM) Slate Finance Co. 18; H'gh EM .1 I1M 808 LoH for bole LOTS with water Ar e'ef'trldU l'i dn in jraMi 2 PACFS at Restlawn Meniotv f.jritens, will sacrirue at rn e. Si ale lunger resident of KM 2 I Don Doackfatt OHMART CALABA Realtors 316 N. CHURCH Lee Ohanart 477 COURT STREET SALEM.

OREGON PHONE EM 2-4115. EM 2-4116 IT'S YOUR TOWN-OWN A PART FARM-FIRST TIME LISTED 68 acres, over 50 A under cultivation. 30 A. Irrigated from well. Exceptionally nice remodeled 4 bedroom home with basem*nt oil furnace.

Located Bt on a hill overlooking valley mountains with a background of tall firs A oaks makes this an outstanding farm. Have Henry Torvend show you Uus line property Eve. EM 3-3S32. TRADES INVITED Daylight basem*nt home South, now being completed. Let snsne-one else worry over repairing the old roof Buy now en-Jnv a brand new home Call Norman Hosensen Eve, EM 2-0906.

ON JEFFERSON STREET 2 bedroom home with basem*nt In fine neighborhood. All white outside A in perfect condition fenced back vard beautifully landscaped'. Owner ft moving will give quirk possession See Louis Lorem, its a REAL BUY. WHO WANTS A BAsem*nT? pen Here a real sharp Basem*nt home near Englewood School, lots of room for a large parly room in basem*nt with fireplace oil heat, If you re interested in a good home and a good bitv, vi Ralph Maddy to see this place Eve. EM 2-34ft8.

NOB HILL A auperlative 4 bedroom home on large lot. Quality beauty everywhere full basem*nt ha handorne partv room with built-in bar. Owners will take 3 or 4 bedroom hon trade up to $2n oon --See Adrienne Sercombe Eve. EM 4-ftf)fi2. RudT Talaba i For Sale: John Walery Estate Cash bids.

Oslrrman Williams. AlHs. 4-22SS. 3 bdrms. 21.15 Mvtle.

2 bdrmi saj Illinois Joe Walery ArlrniniKlrator KM J.JSSS KVKS I.1TTLK PINK MOl'Sf; Br.HINU TWO BIG TKM.S I' H's a homey little nlace to the Stale Hnsp.ial vou tired, and one uith a trettv vard. mi Mill he interested Two hedrofmis down, a full attic up There's a run (ire place in Ihe living room ton "3'l CALL KM 4 bTirfi Eve; Kr'h KM led Morrison, Realtor Walt Jones Trrt Mn.r IIK.M PHONK IM 4 hdi'os, 4.II Glrnwood I)r A .1 hi. nk. to 4 turner's Scl.ool in iK) ler.iis 4- i I'M Ii WANT KI) A FAMILY TO CARK KOH I a IP 1 hae a tiesihle i. p.iwtient I hf'i'r'f it- (t all that joes with it, 1 Bvi iM CANOALA RIA HI.

ki. home uith or without slnve retri( Completelv land scaped rnp.en to trades riro -t hi. 2(5 Alice Ave fM .1 SlioS rfj. 1VI (t, re led" pavemenl. Fine rcnstruc'i0" 1 2 UU.

I ril. f.M nr Abrams SkinneriREILMANN Realtors! WORDS CAN'T DO IT JUSTICE This is a qua lit home. Entrv hall, large living rm. with lire-pUce, 3 lovetv bdrms 2 lu-t if til hams lone off bcriroonw. A very unique p.m-eied family room with Iwa.ned ceilings.

A kitchen vou will ilh buiit in ranr 4 i en There are many other feature Call A give un trie ptr.o. ure of shou mg ou this homn, $15 500 Call George Heed. fce. f.M Z-im Don Douckim HKALTOHt 120 COtlRT ST. KM St'NniSK SKRKNADK WK SI.Nt; 1 0 (If of Imp h-nne (It on Sunrise, i-n Cand filarial iih Ihe rr il ie ie a 'to the nm Whfrf fni I efk Iroin ihe In ifH rnn the rr: priVMle rl v.ifh htind'erti Il'ivifrv a fish p'tnd -ind ffill Whri Mui (in eninv a d3hfhl htfnirnl with a partv roa-jni Hh th drr l-1ip( into Ihe prrtrn Whre 'u rin eninv i Ms bt Will ou kk" 121 tux.

CALL KM 4-fi7fifi Eve: Mr, anninj F.M 4 WiOH Ted Morrison, Realtor 2A0 H. K1CH PHONE 4 17 111 Masonic Building; AL FSTATr INSURANCE MDHTGACK LOANS F.M 3 MIT. KVKS KM J13H or WIT. LOW dnwii pint. tr intif tu ie-sHrisible partv.

iKtnn. home Iti-hu a -her arrt Po--' silile tia.le. Call AM oi ee. KM 2 4 7.17 SK I.L. or rent.

Semi inod 4 rm hfmse A cloe to st hi Itosednle rtl-t I(HI dn i pvml Ph. 91X or O. Box Turnet 2 BEDRM, garage, palm. St Vincent Area, near, bus it 17 Low dnn m't KM 2 1211 handy man- ror ail mis n.Mi.e nn Kairniount St JVXI rtonn Tlvl.Vl lot, f.eo Walters Real lor pm Com'l. EM 28714 or EM 4 6163.

Intemii'-nsl k-ip less than I rt nnlv 52 '10 Terns In relianle partv. EM 4 5V.O JFP. rs'tio heater, turn. I log hc'it. fS'lr-rv -'eel body, mild.

Hi i 57U. SI 97 inn pave" ent i urhs Lancaster EMITI? L'it'i' rl-e in paven.ett Td nler LM 2195 or CM 2-UU..

The Capital Journal from Salem, Oregon (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.