Acceptance Factors for Matching into Internal Medicine Residency (2024)

What You Need to Match into an Internal Medicine Residency Program

Residency application season is coming! Today we’re looking at what you need to successfully match into an Internal Medicine Residency Program! What is a good Step 2 score for internal medicine? How many programs should you rank? Read on to find out everything you need to know about matching into an Internal Medicine residency in 2024!

The NRMP surveyed Program Directors to identify factors influencing candidate selection for residency interviews and rankings. The results were compiled into an interactive table tool. Thisis extremely helpful in gauging where your application packet stands compared to the applicant pool, and whether adding additional components, like anotherletter of recommendation (LOR) in the specialty, could give you a leg up as programs review your application.

2024-2025 Match Cycle Residency Application Timeline
Everything You Need to Know About the Transitional (TY)/Preliminary (PY) Residency Programs

The interactive table tool can be found here. We recommend taking a look at the specialty you’ll be applying to before submitting your ERAS packet. Given the recent changes in the 2024 residency application process, we have also included more recent data collected from the NRMP Main Match Results 2023. As well as the AAMC ERAS Statistics for 2022 and 2023.

Selection Criteria for an Internal Medicine Residency Interview

Selection Criteria for an Interview

For Internal Medicine, Step 2 is most important. In the 2020 NRMP director’s survey, Step 2 scores ranked as the top criterion for selecting interview candidates, even preceding the transition of Step 1 to a pass/fail format. Program directors want to see that you are able to keep up academically in a large field. Make sure to address failed exam attempts, as they can raise concerns about your application. The personal statement appears to be the least important factor in obtaining an interview for Internal Medicine. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t spend time crafting a compelling personal statement. Given its lower impact, prioritizing Step 2 preparation is recommended over dedicating extensive time to the personal statement.

Acceptance Factors for Matching into Internal Medicine Residency (1)

Step 2 Scores According to 2022 NRMP Charting Results:

Acceptance Factors for Matching into Internal Medicine Residency (2)

What is a Good Step 2 Score for Internal Medicine Residency?

  • 221-230 seems to be the minimum threshold at which programs will grant interviews
  • Scores below 220 generally will place you in an unfavorable position to receive an interview
  • 235+ is a good Step 2 score for internal medicine and willplace you in a favorable position for an interview.

Step 2CK – Timing of Taking the Exam

Previously, having a strong Step 2 score for internal medicine upon application review was advantageous, though not obligatory. However, with the absence of Step 1 scores for program filtering, Step 2 scores are now prioritized. It’s crucial to schedule your Step 2 exam strategically to ensure your scores are available when programs begin reviewing applications. While it’s possible to add scores later, delaying may result in missing out on initial interview offers.

Step 1 Failure

Failing Step 1 is a BIG deal in ANY specialty, although Internal Medicine is more forgiving than many specialties. According to the 2020 directors’ survey, 18% of Internal Medicine programs will NOT consider you if you’ve failed Step 1 (compared to 28% in EM, 36% in Anesthesiology, and at the end of the spectrum of none in Family Med). Additionally, for Internal Medicine failing USMLE Step 2 will lose you an interview in around 20% of programs. So, if you’ve failed an exam, you are not automatically excluded from interviews, but you should try to ascertain which programs prioritize non-failure of exams (which you can sometimes find on their websites).

Acceptance Factors for Matching into Internal Medicine Residency (3)

Types of Applicants Considered:

International Grads (U.S. and non-U.S.) have a good shot at matching into Internal Medicine:

According to the NRMP main 2023 match results data, during the 2023 match cycle, 41% of all Internal Medicine positions filled were by IMGs. Still, we recommend doing your homework to determine which programs may be more likely to consider IMGs, and preferentially contact and rank these programs. And, as above, save yourself some serious application fees by taking these programs off of your lists. Consider looking at Residency Explorer, or looking for the programs’ current residents on their website. If you see no, or few IMGs on their current roster, they may be less IMG friendly. Still, if a program is your top choice, it may still be a good idea to give it a try.

Osteopathic graduates are widely interviewed and ranked in Internal Medicine programs:

In the 2020 survey, 75% of programs regularly interview and rank DO applicants, a high proportion compared to other residencies. Only around 2% of programs will never interview or rank a DO applicant. Additionally, according to NRMP data, DO grads and seniors made up 19% of all Internal Medicine positions filled in the 2023 match cycle, and only 3.1% of DO seniors who listed Internal Medicine as their only choice went unmatched.

Internal Medicine Residency Interviews

Interview widely

If you get an interview invitation, you are fairly likely to end up on the rank list if you interview. We recommend ranking at least 12 programs, so once you receive 12 interview invitations, you can feel okay with starting to prioritize and cancel as more come in.

Acceptance Factors for Matching into Internal Medicine Residency (4)

Expect to receive interview invitations in October and November

Internal Medicine is more front-loaded on interview invitations than some other programs. The vast majority of interview offers will be sent by early November. Following this, expect a gradual flow of interview invitations from cancellations, extending into January. If you have not heard from a program you are very interested in by the second week of November, we recommend reaching out to their program coordinator and director telling them how interested you are in their program, and why (be as specific as you can!).If you do not have at least 10 interviews at this point, we recommend sending out some letters of interest to up to 5 of your top programs.

Expect to interview Late-October to Late-December

Around two-thirds of all interviews are conducted in November and December, with some programs still interviewing even in January. For further discussion on how to prep for your interview, see our blog post on how to crush your residency interview, and our recorded session on virtual interviews.

What is Less Important for Internal Medicine When Compared to Other Specialties?

  • Personal statements aren’t as important in Internal Medicine as in other specialties. This isn’t to say that they aren’t important at all, just that your MSPE and Step 2 score will be the focus of most internal medicine programs. However, your personal statement should not have any red flags in it that would preclude you from an interview; reach out to us at EMP to ask any questions about this!
  • With the exception of your internal medicine clerkship grade, clerkship grades are also not as important for Internal Medicine residency. Many medical students are applying into Internal Medicine residency programs, and these PDs know that at some medical schools, there are a limited number of “honors” that clerkship directors can give out. That being said, PDs will want to see decent comments from all clerkships, and a good performance in your internal medicine clerkship.

Summary for Internal Medicine Applicants

  • You should aim for a Step 2 score of 235+for Internal Medicine, with230 being a minimum.
  • IMGs and DO candidates may have a better shot in Internal Medicine residency than many other programs.
  • Expect interview invites between October and early November. If you have not heard from a program you are very interested in by the second week of November, you should definitely reach out to the program to let them you how interested you are (and why!).

Good Luck!

If you need further or specialized assistance understanding which residency specialties you are best suited to apply to, you can contact usor visit our residency advisingpage to learn more about how Elite Medical Prep residency advising services.

Acceptance Factors for Matching into Internal Medicine Residency (2024)


What are the odds of matching internal medicine residency? ›

Residency Match Statistics: NRMP Match Data Rates By Residency Specialty
Match Rates By Residency Specialty
SpecialtyPositionsMatch Rate
Internal Medicine (Categorical)8,51298.2%
Family Medicine4,10797.2%
19 more rows

How to answer why you didn't match residency? ›

Let's go through some ideas:
  • Weak supporting documents: Maybe your supporting documents — like your Personal Statement or Letters of Recommendation — were not compelling enough. ...
  • Application strategy: ...
  • Weak interview skills: ...
  • Lack of US clinical experience: ...
  • USMLE Exam scores: ...
  • Choice of Specialty:

What are the odds of matching with 3 interviews? ›

This means there is hope with only interview. But, if you're able to bump that up to 2 interviews or even 3 – your chances jump to 40% and then 50%. Thus, each interview you add from 1 to 3 increases your chances of matching by an average of 20%. If you have only 1 residency interview – you need to work hard to get 2.

How do I increase my chances of a residency match? ›

This involves meeting residency requirements, excelling in medical school, and gaining relevant clinical experience. Additionally, participating in extracurricular activities, research, and community service can set you apart from other candidates.

What is the hardest residency to match in? ›

The most competitive medical specialties are characterized by high demand, limited residency slots, and intense training requirements. Specialties such as Dermatology, Neurosurgery, and Plastic Surgery often top this list due to their high compensation, impactful work, and the specialized skill set required.

How many interviews DO I need to match internal medicine? ›

You want to go on at least 8-10 interviews. You can consider canceling some interviews if you have more than 8-10 scheduled. We recommend that you discuss this with your DOM advisor. Try to give programs as much lead time as possible so someone else can have the interview spot.

What makes you stand out from other candidates residency? ›

Focus on describing experiences that demonstrate your strengths rather than simply listing personality traits. For example, instead of saying that you're a hard worker, you can talk about some life experiences that show the interviewer your diligence.

What percentage of residency applicants don t match? ›

Around five percent of US allopathic medical school graduates do not match anywhere. If you receive notification on the Monday of Match Week that you didn't end up matching, however, you're not completely out of options.

Why DO some people not match into residency? ›

Speaking with someone in your clinical education department or a trusted mentor will be helpful. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), the top three reasons for students not matching are poor exam scores, poor academic standing, and poor interviewing or interpersonal skills.

What are the odds of matching top 3 residency? ›

The first program you rank should be your top choice, even if you think it's a reach. Conversely, do not rank a “reach” program first on your list just to see if you can match there if it's not where you really want to end up. Overall, three-quarters of U.S. senior applicants will match at one of their top 3 choices.

What is the average number of interviews for residency? ›

Stay patient. According to data from the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP), the median number of interviews for matched applicants in the 2022–2023 cycle was 14, but getting those interview invites can take time.

What is a good interview to offer ratio? ›

A benchmark for a solid interview-to-hire ratio is 3:1, which means your organization is sourcing quality candidates at the start of the interview process. The interview-to-hire ratio is an excellent measure of how well you are sourcing and screening candidates.

How to stand out for internal medicine residency? ›

What are residency programs looking for? 7 factors to focus on
  1. Strong USMLE Scores. ...
  2. Solid grades. ...
  3. Excellent letters of recommendation. ...
  4. A positive Medical Student Performance Evaluation. ...
  5. A thoughtful personal statement. ...
  6. Relevant skills and experience. ...
  7. A good personality and culture fit.
Jul 19, 2022

What is the easiest residency to match with? ›

Least Competitive Residencies
  • Family Medicine.
  • Pediatrics.
  • Psychiatry.
  • Emergency Medicine.
  • Internal Medicine.
  • Anesthesiology.
  • Obstetrics-Gynecology.
  • Pathology.
May 6, 2024

How to stand out in residency interviews? ›

Try adding a story that demonstrates your skills will help give color and context to your answer. You can also prepare questions to ask the interviewer in advance. Try to tie in something you know about the program, such as commitment to research you're interested in, with your own experience.

How difficult is it to get into internal medicine residency? ›

In general, it is not difficult to get an Internal Medicine Residency in California; however, as with any residency, the top programs (UCSF, Stanford, and UCLA) are going to be pretty competitive.

What percentage of internal medicine residents specialize? ›

Findings. The share of internal medicine residents pursuing specialty medicine has steadily increased from 61.5% in 2018 to 87.6% in 2024 (Figure 3). This trend suggests a growing preference among internal medicine residents to pursue further specialization through fellowship programs.

What percent of med students don t match into residency? ›

Around five percent of US allopathic medical school graduates do not match anywhere. If you receive notification on the Monday of Match Week that you didn't end up matching, however, you're not completely out of options.

How competitive am I for internal medicine? ›

Matching into internal medicine as a DO is less competitive, with a 94% match rate and 15% of spots filled by DO Seniors in the 2022 Match. In 2022, 1596 DO seniors applied for internal medicine; 1503 matched. For more on the most DO-friendly specialties, see this article.


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